Whether we like it or not, you and I are signal senders. We are constantly sending signals about what kind of a place our classroom and our school is.
If you're in a work-smarter-not-harder kind of vein this year, then you want to be intentional about sending these certain kinds of signals to your students:
- As your teacher, I care about you, I know what I'm doing, and I'm passionate.
- This work we're doing is valuable.
- No matter where you are in your learning journey, you can improve through wise effort. (I'll teach you how.)
- If you define success well, then you CAN succeed in here.
- You belong here. You fit. And I'm glad about that.
These signals align with what I call the Five Key Beliefs, pictured below.

So the question for you, colleague, is this: what kinds of signals are you sending today? It's not IF you're sending signals; it's, “What kinds?”

P.S. I've got a video that touches on this, too — right here.
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