Dear colleague, Today I gave a Youtube Live talk on what I’m calling the Student Motivation Apocalypse. Yep — kind of Doomsday-ish, I know. But that’s not actually what I mean. Don’t have time to listen to the talk? Here’s the gist: I hope you find it helpful or encouraging. Teaching right beside you, DSJR
The Four Keys to Efficacy
Dear colleague, According to Efficacy belief OG Dr. Albert Bandura, there are four keys to the cultivation of Efficacy in an individual. I’ll list them, describe them briefly, and give a practical pointer or two. Lots of interesting things we can take away from Dr. Bandura’s four keys to efficacy. Mad respect, Dr. B. DSJR
If My Phone Distracts Me… Except There Is No If
Dear colleague, Back at the start of November, I guided my students through our first WOOP goal-setting exercise of the year. (For more on that, see this video, this article, or the Define Success chapter of The Will to Learn.) WOOP is a really beautiful strategy to get good at. It’s research-supported, it gives students […]
What’s Woodenization All About?
Dear colleague, Ashley Yazarlou is a true Will to Learn warrior, having led innovative and personalized professional development on the material in the book multiple times in her setting of Hemet Unified School District in California. Last year, when leading a session on the Effort and Efficacy beliefs, she asked participants to define Woodenization in […]
Three Ways to Stoke the Value Fireplace
Dear colleague, Cold days this month have got me thinking about fireplaces. Mmmmm… Fireplaces. I don’t have one, but whenever I visit a home where there are real logs crackling, it’s a real strong feeling of, “Okay. Let’s stay here. Until spring.” So in our classrooms, there’s a thing that’s kind of got that some […]