Before the Common Core were a twinkle in David Coleman’s eye, Kelly introduced an assignment into his classroom called article of the week. In the assignment, students read complex informational texts and responded to them in writing. That writing was nearly always a blend of the explanatory and argumentative modes, and it often culminated with a discussion of the issues […]
common core
Do Common Core Professional Development Like This
I’m finishing up a professional development trip to California, and during these final days of the trip, a troubling (yet unsurprising) article has come to my attention: The article goes on to show that 47% of surveyed teachers would describe the Common Core professional development they’ve received as less than high quality. And all I can do […]
Literacy Educators: Let’s Get Serious about Noncognitive Skills
The Common Core does a pretty good job of laying out some key cognitive skills students need to have to be ready for the literacy demands of a career or college. Granted, we need to reduce the standards into a simpler, more power-packed set of focused literacy priorities (the non-freaked out approach being one possible example) if we’re going to truly see literacy […]
New Thoughts on the Non-Freaked Out Approach to Common Core Literacy
About a year and a half ago, I came up with the non-freaked out approach to Common Core literacy while driving home from a conference for edu-policy types in my state capital of Lansing. I was frustrated by the acrimony that seemed to suffuse the day’s sessions — there were politicians bickering with superintendents bickering with teachers […]
On Common Core Text Complexity, the Triangle of Life, and the Freakout
My argument here is simple: you, the teacher, have control over text complexity for your kids. I’m definitely not saying all teachers have the same amount of control. Some teachers get to pick virtually every text their students read; others allow their students to pick nearly every text they read; and still others have all of their course […]