Hi there, colleague! Today's our third in a series mean to help us ready our souls for summer. The full series list is here. Each article is super micro for your stress-reduction pleasure.
Gosh — I just LOVE the feeling of a coming summer.
Today's strategy for shutting down a school year: fill a box with stuff.*
Specifically, stuff that you didn't use all year this year that's sitting around in your workspace.
When the box is full, take it to:
- The staff room and label it “free.”
- A place that recycles or resells the kind of stuff that's in the box.
- The dumpster.
As you do it, note what happens in your chest. You should feel a lightening.
Repeat as desired or needed.
Getting rid of boxes: it ain't just for retirees!
*I almost titled this one Fill a with
but decided against it. The adult won over the inner teenager… barely.
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