All right — time for this week's first super-simple shot at helping your soul ready for summer. (For the full series, head here.)
Here's the play:
- Pick a colleague, any colleague.
- Sit down with a sheet of paper.
- Brainstorm moments or observations or memories from this year that you've appreciated about this colleague.
- Tell them about the things that came to mind when you brainstormed.
P.S. How did it feel? What if you did it one more time — but this time for a student?
And then one more time — but this time for a parent or guardian you've met this year?
Kimberly Donaldson says
Greetings Dave,
Thanks for sharing these great thoughts on ending well. You are keeping my thoughts in the exact space they need to be. Just one lil’ suggestion: consider changing the title of series . . . “schools/shut down” language induce a bit of COVID flare in my connotative brain.