Hey there, colleague! Here's where we've been on the blog since mid-summer:
- July through August, we did a series on student motivation and the five key beliefs methodology. The Will to Learn series was super cool. I had a blast writing it. If you've got a warm-up cup and an hour to dive deep, here's a strong recommend for the following articles.
- Series Intro, Part I: On the Teaching of Souls
- Series Intro, Part II: The Path to the Head is the Heart
- Series Intro, Part III: Five Critical Qualities about the Five Key Beliefs, in Order of Actionability
- Credibility Guide: Three Simple, Robust Strategies for Building the Credibility Belief
- Value Guide: Three Simple, Robust Strategies for Building the Value Belief
- Effort Guide: Three Simple, Robust Methods for Establishing Effort
- Efficacy Guide: Three Simple, Robust Strategies for Building the Efficacy Belief
- Belonging Guide: Three Simple, Robust Strategies for Building the Belonging Belief
- Then in all September, we did a series on the ten disciplines of
time managementlife stewardship. We didn't do all the disciplines, but in the Time to Live series we did do:- DECIDE: To Decide is to Cut
- CONSTRAIN: We're Too Hospitable to Pointlessness
- OBSESS: Let's Pick Some Sled Dogs
- ELIMINATE: The Case for Lumpiness
- REST: A Few Helpful Ideas for Resting as an Educator
- SIMPLIFY: The Best Question for Helping You Simplify Lessons, Curricula, Policies, or Procedures
- SATISFICE: How to Get Better at Satisficing as an Educator
- SKIP: A Shift then a Skip: Here's How One Teacher's Job Changed with a Simple Change in Thinking. It was also a blast to write. Plus (major bonus), it gave me a chance to launch the world's first ever Life Stewardship for Educators seminar (running now — waitlist for future cohorts is here).
So much fun. I haven't had this much fun writing in a long time.
What's next? The inner work of teaching
A lot of us are having a hard time right now. The work is hard — beyond our current abilities or beyond even our potential. What do we do? Abandon ship?
Not me.
Instead, we've got an inner journey in store.
More next time…
Want to do me a huge favor? Share a past article or two that has helped you these past months with your colleagues. You can forward them as email, print them off and put them in mailboxes, feature them in a team meeting, send them to your superintendent and say, “We gotta bring this guy here someday!”… follow your druthers! Just know that, when you share, you're doing something I could never do, and that enables me to do what I can do: write as best I can about the work that matters most, and all the while remain…
…teaching right beside you,
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