Hey there colleague,
Last week I began posting a month of helpful back-to-school blog posts as teachers across the nation take the field for another great season of promoting long-term flourishing. Some of you were like, “Yes, bring on the daily emails! Miss you, bruv.” And others of you were like, “Dude. Too many emails.”
The solution:
- If you want to keep getting the August series in your inbox daily, click here (this will only work if you are reading this in your email inbox);
- You might also like following my Twitter account, as this sends automated tweets with each newly published post.
- If you'd rather get fewer emails, do nothing — I'll send twice-weekly summary posts to those not on the daily list.
This is win-win-win — I get to share things that I hope help in August; folks who really want the help in August get it right away; folks who prefer less frequent emails don't need to miss out. We all get the cake and we all get to eat it.
While I've got you, three things on my mind this weekend:
1. Weekends are amazing. Matt Johnson does a good job representing this in his most recent post here. Check it out. Good weekend reading, good pre-school-year thoughts.
(You might recognize Matt's name from the recent collab book we did with Matt Kay.)
I'm going to talk more about weekends — and teacher time management in general — in this week's posts.
2. Due to popular demand, I'm offering another digital workshop this Thursday on student motivation at the start of the year.
Here's what one person said about last week's session:
Thank you for offering exactly what my heart needed today… I was reminded of the most important things and how much of this work I already know and value, but just need to make a habit. And your practical ideas of checkoff lists and note cards were really helpful (+ so much more!). Thank you for offering this workshop! I am very grateful (and a much calmer and a better mom & wife today because of this ease of anxiety).
This Thursday, we'll be doing an encore of the same content our colleague is referencing above.
I *really* hope to see you there. This stuff is bucket-filling.
Registrants get live access, the session recording, my Google Slides link, and a new PDF cheat sheet I've created for folks going into this school year.
3. I'm flying right now to a school in Owasso, OK, that's been studying These 6 Things for some time now. Folks across the content areas have appreciated how the book divides and focus in on the work that matters most.
Consider the book for your own professional study this year — alone or as a team.
The best page about the book on the whole web is right here; for a PDF book discussion guide, click here.
That's it for today. Happy travels, happy rests, happy loves today. See you next week.
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