Dear colleague,
I made a video for us.
[Video not showing? Click here.]
In it, there are just two things I'm trying to say.
- First, this has been a hard year. At first I thought it was just me, but I found out that it wasn't.
- Second, some specific things have helped:
- Reaching out to colleagues who seem to be doing well and asking them what's working.
- Clarifying my professional question of practice (so helpful for me in reframing my work right now).
In a week, I'll explain why these things matter. But first, I have a small favor to ask.
Will you make a video for us?
All I need is a video of you…
- Describing your initial difficulty with teaching this year. If relevant, try to emphasize how isolated/alone/un-belonging you felt and what it was like when you started to realize that you weren't the only one feeling this way.
- Sharing 1, 2, or 3 thing(s) that have helped create a sene, however small, of progress. You and I are sophisticated; we know that progress isn't straight. You may still be taking it all day-by-day (raises hand). But, then again, you have found some things that have helped, haven't you? What are they? What phrases do you meditate on, practices do you keep, rituals have you adopted, one-offs have you found restorative?
That's it. Pull out your phone or open up a screencast app on your laptop and click record. When you're done, upload someplace (YouTube preferred but not required) and share it with me in the comments.
Need another example?
Here's one from our colleague John Willette. (John teaches sixth grade; he's on Twitter here.)
[Video not showing? Click here.]
For real. I need your help. We need it. Next week I'll tell you why.
Jodi Stevens says
Rick joseph says
Thanks for the opportunity, Dave! Please keep up the amazing work.
Dave Stuart Jr. says
Thank you Rick!
Pam Mulcahy says
Hi, Dave –
I’ll try to make a video for you, but if I don’t get to it, I just wanted you to know that your emails have been super helpful to me and many of my teaching friends. Thanks so much! Pam
Dave Stuart Jr. says
Much love — thanks Pam!
Kelly says
Hi Dave- Here is my video I hope you can view it. If not, big takeaways: Focus on what you can control, talk to positive people, have patience with family, friends, students and self and read Dave Stuart’s blog
Dave Stuart Jr. says
Kelly you rock! Thank you!
Gray Cooper says
I tried to post this earlier, but I don’t see it (so apologies if I end up posting 2x).
One take, no cuts. It’s not pretty, but… we’ve got to SATISFICE!
Keep your head up!
Dave Stuart Jr. says
Gray, fantastic — thank you for satisficing this!
Julia says
Gary – your words spoke straight to my soul. Thanks to you for the time and suggestions (just stumbled on Holiday and Stoicism last week – game changing. And thanks to Dave for making these moments possible! See you tomorrow night!
Carolyn Newall says
The feelings are not only normal in the US they are normal globally. It is the collaboration that helps the most.
Barb says
I just heard a news story about this this morning. That all the crazy things going on in my brain are really pretty normal. I’m not gonna lie; I did get a little teary-eyed.
Dave Stuart Jr. says
So true, Carolyn — thank you.
Cinnamon C Kern says
No edits, bc when the sticky note flag that keeps my eyes on the camera fell, it was a real metaphor for this whole year…gotta keep in motion, and never sacrifice progress for perfection!!!
Dave Stuart Jr. says
Yes, that is a perfect metaphor
Thank you!
Dave Stuart Jr. says
Here’s one from our colleague Joe Ferraro:
Here’s one from our colleague Kelly Redmon:
Barb says
Here’s my video:
I’m learning and stretching and growing daily. I’ve learned so much tech since March 13th! I was just in a meeting and we brainstormed a great solution for a problem we were having. We need to be celebrating all of that. And then, be patient and be okay when we are sad and miss our kids and our old lives.
Thank you, Dave. You make us all better teachers.
Cinnamon C Kern says
Barb–I completely feel you on the silence. It starts to feel like you’re the crazy one talking to the walls on repeat, doesn’t it??
We set up a system that had them ‘on’ for positive attendance for the first half of the 80 minute blocks [2x/week per class]…and that could mean comments in chat or email with me or work in a document or other assignment, and it officially meant cameras off if we wanted to post the video for any who were missing class. I started playing music that cheered me up when the kids were on mute…then I set up a Google Form for a daily checkin so they could let me know how they were and if they needed a side conversation. During the second half of the block, I would call individual students who let me know they needed help, and help via chat in GoGuardian (watchdog program that shows me their screens) or answered general questions in the Google Meets chat, or opened individual or small group meetings in another Google Meet for extra focused help. Our schoolwide schedule also had builtin time for office hours, so students could request to meet with me then as well.
We’re back face2face (for what might be a very short while since cases are climbing locally) and I am trying to keep the individual help lines open which means I just left a virtual meeting with one student who was very stuck (yes, it’s really 8 PM PST, but this habit might be something we both need for the next few years). Keep the faith–communication is a primary need, and connecting about trivial things as a version of ‘proof of life’ is still meets the College & Career Readiness Standards for Speaking & Listening ( in that it’s practice in “prepar[ing] for and participat[ing] effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners”.
Dave Stuart Jr. says
Oh snap, that moment when Cinnamon turns Barb’s soul survival strategy into a standards-based part of the lesson.
I love it!
Barb says
Wow! Cinnamon. This made my day. Good to know I’m doing something productive. I am getting some better results from what I call Side Meets, where I can talk to kids individually.
Hope you get to stay back in the face to face world for a while! I miss seeing faces so much.
Garrett Mazade says
Thanks Dave! You’ve inspired me to share this project with my colleagues and hopefully spread even more encouragement.
Dave Stuart Jr. says
Garrett, this is perfect! I’ve added it to the playlist here:
Annie Camacho says
Here you go, Dave! Your blogs have brought so much light in this darkness, this video is the least I can do:)
Dave Stuart Jr. says
Annie, thank you so much! I’ve got your video added to the full playlist, which is here:
Julie Holderbaum says
And in case anyone is interested, here is a link to the generic podcast listening sheet I created:
I also have a cheat sheet of who all of the episodes of Imagined Life are about; if anyone wants that list, please email me at
Dave Stuart Jr. says
Oh my gosh, Julie — that point about a day per week for podcasts etc… so good. Thank you for your honesty.
Dana Martin says
From Rookie to early career to 29-year veteran, this video features a wide perspective on surviving and thriving in the changes of “how we do things…These 6 Things.” Dave, thanks so much for your candor, your leadership, and your willingness to press-on together. Together is what makes THESE THINGS doable!
Dave Stuart Jr. says
Dana, this is so cool!
John Robert Reynolds says
I am grateful for all the encouraging videos and for Dave’s leadership in this area. Here’s another one: