Some of you work constantly. You don’t add up the hours because you really don’t want to. So let me add them for you: if you’re teaching a full load and taking work home each night, you’re working anywhere from 50 to 70 hours per week. If you add weekends onto that, it could be […]
Mind the Gap
“Once we experience success on any level — increased attention from an individual or group, a promotion, funding for a project — that confidence will tend to rise too quickly, and there will be an ever-growing discrepancy between our self-opinion and reality.” Robert Greene, The Laws of Human Nature Consider three scenarios: Teacher A is […]
Belonging Booster: Values Affirmation Exercise
Recently, my students gave me a boost in teacher morale through their completion of a simple intervention that I believe supports the value, belonging, and credibility beliefs. (These are three of the five key beliefs that I write about in Chapter 2 of These 6 Things; I overview the beliefs in this blog post.) The […]
The Five Key Fears?
“As a specialist in learning disabilities, I have found that the most dangerous disability is not any formally diagnosable condition like dyslexia or ADD. It is fear.” — “Overloaded Circuits,” by Edward M. Hallowell in Harvard Business Review’s Managing Yourself The absence of the five key beliefs might be the five key fears. If student […]
The Pedestal Isn’t Real
The thing with living inside your life while also writing a blog is that you can hardly tell what your life looks like to someone who is just reading the blog. The people I teach with know a lot of my issues. They know that my desk is often a mess, that there are stacks […]