When I’m able to cite a study or an author or a book from memory, folks will sometimes ask, “How do you remember what you read?” And of course I ask the same question when I listen to a superior thinker wander through the library that he or she has built in their brain. The […]
Updates to All the PD Things I Do
I try to avoid purely administrative updates on the blog, but there’s enough that’s developed to make this one necessary. If you’ll oblige me, the following updates will let me silence the PD provider part of my head so that the writer/reader/teacher part can resume its captaincy. Updates to my In-Person Events In the last […]
Zooming All the Way Out: Thinking in Phases
Perhaps what I am most aware of this week is that I am a ridiculously finite creature with limited and imperfect answers to abundant and profound questions. One day it’s, “All right — I’ve got this!” And then the next day it’s, “Why are my ideas so dumb? Haven’t I been teaching for a while […]
We’ve Got to Teach Sleep
For the first part of the school year, my students read a series of weekly articles around one burning question: what skills and knowledge matter most for a flourishing life? The articles are a mixture of ones I use every year (that list is here when you scroll down*) and the ones Lynsay and I […]
3 More Sample Lessons for Enrichment-Oriented Emergency Remote Learning*
Last week I released a quick “20 for 20” exercise that I developed, and many of you wrote back saying, “Hey, yes — more like this.” So in the first couple days of this week, that’s what I’ve been doing — creating sample learning experiences and writing at the bottom of each how it’s designed […]