Sometimes I think the best PD I’ve ever had has been listening to re-runs of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood while taking road trips with my family. The man was the world’s first and greatest remote teacher. In my students’ language: he was a total pedagogical GOAT. And there’s one line that he says every episode that […]
Credibility Booster: MGCing the Whole Class in a Single Class Period
The other day I did something that seems to have blown some fresh air right into my heart and the hearts of my students. Basically, I MGCed the whole class during a 30-minute independent work segment of the lesson. Let me break it down. First of all, 30-minute independent work segments aren’t normal in my […]
Credibility Booster: Sharing Bits o’ Pedagogy
Once in a while, it’s smart to tell your students a bit of the thinking behind your lessons. Let me give a recent example from my practice and then close by explaining what I think things like this do for credibility. (For twenty more low-stress ideas for boosting that cred, click here.) Earlier this week, […]
What’s a “Minimum Viable Understanding” of the Five Key Beliefs?
The goal of good PDs is the development of 1) shared understandings that 2) make a difference. Quick breakdown: This is why my new edu-leader course is focused on the five key beliefs (5KB) methodology. I don’t know of any other framework that’s got as much potential for whole-school impact as the 5KBs. So, here’s today’s question: what’s a minimum viable […]
Competence is Queen
Note from Dave: I just had a thought. We should do PD together at your school next year, on student motivation and the five key beliefs!!! Wouldn’t that be AMAZING!? I think so, too. If you’re a PD decision maker or have the ear of one, start the process by being in touch here. Onto […]