Calling all readers! Bring your friends, bring your students, and answer this simple question in the comments. (This is a great warm-up activity for your students, by the way.) Do you agree with the following statement? “If some curriculum guide you were handed says ‘This Text Was Deemed To Be ‘Close Reading Worthy’ but you […]
What are you struggling with in your classroom right now?
This post is short and simple and mega important. September is behind us, and the school year is officially in warp speed mode. Looking back on your first month or so of school, I have a big question for you. What are you struggling with in your classroom right now? I’ve been plugging along myself with […]
Starting the Year with Debate
The 4th week of school is over, and debate is about to start in my classroom — and yet, we’ve already had two debates. Here’s the thing: to build argumentative ballers over the course of the year, I’m experimenting with a new idea this year: start slow. And so I’ve actually started debates this year […]
A Non-Freaked Out, Focused Approach to the Common Core — Part 7 — Teach Character
The Common Core does a pretty good job of laying out some key cognitive skills students need to have to be ready for a career or college. Yes, for you CCSS doubters out there, I said it — I think the standards are good. Granted, I like boiling their goodness down and distilling it into […]
The Only 100 Words You Need to Read Today
Dominating life or the CCSS with your students is all about starting. Edublogs and opinions abound; none of them can try something bold in your classroom. That’s all I’m writing this week. Instead of reading anything else online today, go and do something that needs doing. Plan that one daring step that’s been nagging at […]