Hi! The best way to get ahold of me is through this contact form. I've got more specifics below!
Speaking Requests
Early on in my PD work, I would take just about any speaking engagement I was offered. As I've matured, I've come to be more choosy with how and when I leave my family. With that said, if you'd like to have me come to your school or organization, learn more about my speaking offerings here and be in touch through the contact form at the bottom of that page.
I'll do what I can to make it work. Email me at dave (at) davestuartjr.com.
Social Media
I am very minimalistic in this area. The one venue outside of this blog that I have focused on creating useful content is Youtube. You'll find the material organized by concept. Let me know in the video comments what you think.
I read all the emails I receive but do not always have time to respond to them. Know that when you email me A) you're not bugging me because B) I'm very good at selecting people I'm with over folks via email.
I'd love to hear from you — dave [at] davestuartjr.com.
Mailing Address
Once in awhile, a reader wants to send me something — liiiiiiike a coffee mug, which is awesome.
Use this address:
Dave Stuart Jr.
381 Guy St
Cedar Springs, MI 49319