What the DSJ Channel Is All About
Are these books on your shelf? They should be! 📗 THE WILL TO LEARN: HOW TO CULTIVATE STUDENT MOTIVATION WITHOUT LOSING YOUR OWN https://davestuartjr.com/wtl 📘 THESE 6 THINGS: HOW TO FOCUS YOUR TEACHING ON THE WORK THAT MATTERS MOST https://davestuartjr.com/t6t 📰 NEWSLETTER The #1 place I help teachers and schools = the newsletter: https://davestuartjr.com/newsletter
In which your colleague Dave Stuart Jr. tries to dispel common ideas about student motivation and give you something that's way deeper and better: the five key beliefs methodology for thinking and doing things about the motivational dynamics of your classroom.
In which your colleague Dave Stuart Jr. tries to infect you with a mental antibody for protecting your heart and mind against teacher viruses like workaholism, burnout, and demoralization.