The Classroom Management Course
Solve the problems. Get control. Love your job.
* If you would like to inquire about a special rate to make the CMC available to your entire school or district, please email We have experience with delivering online courses to large groups.
When the news came that schools would be closed due to COVID, many teachers expressed disappointment, concern, and anxiety. But I bet there were a handful of teachers who were secretly relieved.
"What a relief. My classroom was an absolute mess. I can start again fresh next year."
"Thank goodness I don't ever have to see those monsters from 5th period again."
"I'm so run down. I can't go on like this anymore. This school closure is a wake up call-- something's got to change or I'll have to quit teaching."
I know this because in my early teaching days, this would have been me.
When you’re facing student behavior problems, teaching can feel like the worst job ever. You can’t get through a lesson because you can’t get through a sentence without students talking over you. You give a direction, and students ignore you. Disrespect is common and leaves you reeling. But then when you seek advice, there are a thousand tips that contradict each other, and you don’t know what to try first.
It can feel hopeless.
But it doesn’t have to. In the Classroom Management Course, we’ve culled through and combined the best of what’s out there to bring you practical training in the four elements of a well-managed classroom. It’s everything you need and nothing you don’t.
Here's the gist:
- 35+ focused, bite-sized video lessons -- designed with busy educators like you in mind
- 24-7, all-online, lifetime access to course materials
- Weekly live, recorded office hours with your instructor, Lynsay Fabio
To manage a classroom well, you need both a top-level understanding of how it effectively managed classrooms work and an on-the-ground comfort with the moves that make it possible. In the Classroom Management Course, we chunk your learning journey into the four elements of warm, demanding classrooms:
- Plan - This is the list of rules and consequences you and your students will live by. We’ll join a chorus of master teachers in recommending the simplest, most effective plan possible. We'll share the one we use and break down exactly how we use it
- Moves - These are the physical and verbal techniques you practice, just like an athlete, so that you’re ready for the big game when the bell rings. You’ll know exactly what to do and say to prevent and correct misbehavior.
- Procedures - These are the routines you’ll teach students so that class flows easily and efficiently. We’ll teach you how to prioritize them, how to teach them to students, and how to keep them sharp over time.
- Warmth - This is the beating heart of the approach. Your class has to be more than just rules and consequences, so we’ll teach you the CARE framework. This will guide you in becoming a teacher your students love and trust, even as (especially as!) you hold out for excellence.
Eventually, we'll all be back up in front of live students. Whether you return to this live teaching in a few months or a few years, these are the elements you need to thrive as a teacher and as a classroom community.
In this online course, you’ll learn…
- the shortest path from a classroom management mess to a lovely learning community
- why a classroom management plan is essential for your classroom
- how to choose rules that deter most misbehaviors
- how to choose consequences that are easy yet effective
- how to give a consequence directly and respectfully
- what to do when the same students keep breaking the rules
- teacher moves that prevent misbehavior in the first place, and exactly how to do them
- teacher moves that correct misbehavior, and exactly how to do them
- the most essential classroom procedures and how to teach them
- why it’s best to be both warm AND demanding, and what that looks like in practice
- how to manage your emotions in an authentic, lasting way
- how to inspire a sense of wonder and awe in your students
- how to build relationships that support learning meaningfully yet efficiently
- how to make students feel loved even as you drive for excellence
- the answer to whatever classroom management questions you have, via live Q&A office hours
Here's what some of the 500+ Classroom Management Course alums have to say.
"This course is sensible and practical. It is more than the obvious but difficult to implement typical advice. The course presents clear, useful strategies that are grounded in research. Strategies are modeled and participants are encouraged to practice these strategies which makes the content much more practical and increases the feeling of 'I can do this!'"
- Renea L., high school teacher, Iowa
"There are clear moves and strategies that are modeled. There are concrete and practical steps for making a plan, giving consequences, and teaching procedures. I especially like that the course included work on not only WHAT rules/procedures to teach, but also HOW to teach them in a way that is likely to get the best results for behavior. I also loved the Warmth part at the end."
- Katie L., high school teacher, Berlin, DE
"This course is a straightforward, easy to implement practical guide in which the new to seasoned teacher can use immediately as a "go to" for managing groups of students in today's large and inclusive secondary classrooms. Very well presented, easy to follow, and it respects the humanity of each student in class. Having clear steps to take with many typical classroom situations and processes is super valuable to me. Simply having a "go to" system that is expected and can be used in many situations will cut stress. The practice element is key. Thanks for taking the time to encourage it. For those who want a clear-cut plan of action to accomplish better classroom management practice without having to buy a book that you'll likely never have a chance to read, this course is it. "
- Jennie J., middle school teacher, Washington
"A great way to get ready for school to start or refresh and reset anytime. This is the best system I've tried and I've tried it all!
- Jenny Ward, 7th grade teacher, Walnut Creek, CA
"If you've ever taken an online course on classroom management and been disappointed with a boring, voice-over presentation, then get ready to be wowed. The format that Lynsay Fabio and Dave Stuart Jr. have put together for this course is the most helpful I have ever engaged in. The videos are concise and clear with Lynsay giving instruction and examples for short topics in mainly less than 5 minute chunks. This format makes it easy for you to find something you need a refresher on later as well. Palapa, the classroom chatroom, is user-friendly and easy to search for specific topics that have been discussed. Any time-constrained teacher who is losing their steam and ready to give up from burn-out should give this course a try. I already have another teacher asking for the information about how to use the course because he is seeing how it has affected me and my total attitude and feeling about this year."
- Diann Espinoza, middle school Science teacher, Hillsboro, OR
"I've been reading Linsin's blog for a few years, but I never had the courage to say, "I promise I'll fairly implement the classroom management policy I've laid out for you." This course filled in the holes I had, and gave me the courage to say it. I said it. It works. My students behave exactly like I want them to, and we are able to work from bell to bell. Thank you! I'm still fine tuning some areas, but I feel strongly empowered to teach.
Before this course, I knew I should pick lessons that efficiently teach whatever objective I need to teach, but I was guilty of choosing lessons that caused the least misbehavior instead of lessons that had the most impactful teaching. I guess it was survival. Now, I am looking over my methods and weeding out those minimal misbehavior lessons, and instead choosing lessons for highest impact on actual learning. Again, thanks for helping my students as you help me be a better teacher."
- John Dredla, science teacher, Minneapolis, MN
Here's how the course works
- WATCH: Once you register, you get immediate access to every video in the course. Altogether, the Classroom Management Course has 5 core modules. Each video lesson is 2-10 minutes in length, and as soon as you register I walk you through how best to use the course and set yourself up for success. You’ll watch an excellent teacher describe and model how she manages her classroom, with lots of pro tips dispersed throughout.
- SCRIPT: Each of the core video lessons prompts you to create an artifact for your real classroom: a list of rules, for example, or a set of directions.
- PRACTICE: Whenever possible, you will be prompted and encouraged to immediately stand and deliver. These at-bats are invaluable for working out the kinks in your practice to truly master your teacher moves and make your procedures a reality with your students.
Wait… Practice???
That’s right. For much of the course, you’ll stand up right away and practice what you’ve learned in our simple I Do/You Do lesson format. After every single lesson in Modules 1-4, you will be creating something real for your classroom or standing up to practice the exact moves you’ll make in front of your students. The result: you’ll be more Day 1 Ready than you’ve ever been in your life-- no matter when that Day 1 is.
There’s no other PD on classroom management that is this comprehensive and focused. Nuanced yet simple. Ideal yet real. Everything you need, nothing you don't.
You’ll walk out of the course with:
- 1 simple, effective classroom management plan
- 1 script for how to teach the plan to students
- 7 moves to prevent misbehavior
- 6 moves to correct misbehavior
- 1 combo move that you’ll turn to again and again -- this can solve just about ANY messy moment!
- 7 procedures
- 10 bonus procedures to steal as desired
- 10+ ideas for adding warmth to your classroom
- 25 detailed models from an experienced educator illustrating all techniques for your reference
- 25 rounds of practice
- Confidence to enforce the plan, use the moves, teach the procedures, and create warmth from Day 1
Taught by a teacher who's researched and tested these ideas for years.
Hi there! I’m Lynsay Fabio, the author of the Classroom Management Course. I’ve taught middle and high school English for almost 10 years, most recently in New Orleans. My classroom culture has been held up as an example of excellence -- internally in the Collegiate Academies network, and externally in an article in U.S. News and World Report.
But it wasn't always that way. In the fall of 2011, I joined a phenomenal school team in which I was the worst teacher on staff. My classroom was unruly and unsafe. I could either get better at classroom management or lose my job. Thankfully, through a series of world-class professional development experiences and my own independent research, I became a great teacher. This course is the compilation of everything I've learned, put together in one clear roadmap. I hope it helps!
More about me: I live in New Orleans with my husband, our identical twin two-year-old sons, and our tiny dog. Our Halloween costumes are epic. In this season of small children, I get to work with Dave Stuart solving teacher problems and creating resources that help make teaching better.
Who’s the course for?
- Any educator who is feeling burnt out by behavior problems and needs solutions now.
- New(er) teachers who want to know what holding students to high expectations actually looks like in a classroom-- what to do, what to say, what not to say.
- Experienced teachers facing new behavior challenges, or who want to go from good to great in classroom management.
- Instructional coaches who want to support teachers with practical strategies to manage their classrooms and build their teacher credibility.
- Administrators looking for PD material that will help with behavior problems in classrooms schoolwide.
I taught in a majority free/reduced lunch high school, which had all the challenges that poverty wreaks: kids “at risk”, kids with low motivation, kids with poor academic habits, kids with poor classroom behavior, kids with tough home lives. Our school proudly sought out and welcomed the students who needed us most, and so we did in our classrooms. But our school was also one of the best public schools in the district, so we also had this upper tier of kids who missed qualifying for the magnet school by a point or two. They had excellent preparation and strong habits built in previous classrooms, and they came to my classroom expecting more of the best. The result of this diverse learning population all in one room is that my classroom management strategies had to work for everyone. So I feel reasonably confident saying that they’ll work for your students, too.
Dave Stuart’s teaching context is far different from mine, yet he’s said definitively: “This stuff works. It helps people. I'm so glad this exists.” He’s led PD in a broad range of schools and to a broad range of educators, so I trust his judgment.
And if we’re wrong, good news: we offer a 30-day, full-money-back guarantee for the course. If you put in a month and find that it doesn't help, send us an email at
"This course will extend my teaching life by reducing the annoying ticks in my classroom. I go home with more energy for my own kids because of this incredible resource."
- Rick C., middle school teacher, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
"I am a mentor to a brand new teacher and this will be so helpful. This course is a must for beginning teachers as well as those that have been around the block several times."
- Tanya Gottlich, 7th grade teacher @ Coppell Middle School East
"Seeing the moves modeled live by a real teacher is what makes this course much more useful than a book."
- Erin M., high school teacher, California
"Even for experienced teachers, like myself, classroom management can often get lost and left to an on-the-fly approach. The very methodical and specific lessons were extremely helpful. Providing very specific, concrete examples along with the big ideas was tremendously valuable. The course is definitely worth your time!"
- Kristin H., high school teacher, Ohio
"Classroom management issues have stolen so much time and energy from me, and I'm really excited to have some clear instructions and support to not let that happen again."
- Nancy F., high school teacher, Vancouver, BC
Why invest in the course?
I’m just going to say it: it’s way cheaper to pay for a classroom management course than it is to replace a teacher. Or to go back to school for a new career path.
The stakes are that high. So many teachers quit in the first few years because they don’t have the support they need to manage their classrooms. Others quit later as their efforts against the rising tide of misbehavior and disrespect seem futile. I don’t want to go blaming administrators-- I was blessed with an amazing principal, and not everyone has the same level of support and resources to provide world-class PD experiences to their staff. But the data on teacher retention makes clear that teachers need more support in this area, and that support is worth investing in.
And with the school closures, that support is more urgent than ever. At some point, the students will be coming back to school. They'll need loving, skillful teachers to lead them in learning, to help them make up for all that lost time. Teachers who not only can design effective lessons but who can also manage a classroom of 30 live beings with free wills. We can all be those teachers-- with the right support.
Why THIS course, though?
- It's online. Teachers all over the country do not know what they are facing in September due to COVID. This is the safest way to get the classroom management support teachers need, without having to meet in person for a PD session or with a coach. The online, go-at-your-own-pace nature of the course means that you can take the course when it works for you: a bit each day, or over a few immersive days. You have lifetime access to all lessons from the moment you register. Also, the ongoing support means that teachers can ask their most urgent and ever-changing classroom management questions ("What do procedures look like now that I'm teaching online? How can I modify my authoritative presence?") and get quick answers.
- It’s decisive. The classroom management PDs I’ve seen offered by typical school districts are presented as a grab-bag toolkit-- “Try all this stuff and see what sticks!” Our course is a clear, 4-part roadmap: Do these 4 things in order and you will see success. Other courses stop short of telling you which rules are best, or what exactly to say to students. We are decisive and explicit because we know that what teachers need most is a great model to steal.
- It’s efficient. The sources from which these techniques came took a long time to read, digest, and practice. They are also much more comprehensive than this course. This course is targeted to include everything you need and nothing you don’t. Also, we only cover techniques that are simple for classroom teachers to implement. No complicated behavior plans here.
Register Today!
We've now opened this world-class PD material as an asynchronous resource for groups or individuals. Enroll and receive:
- 40+ high quality, schedule-friendly video lessons, broken up into sharply focused modules.
- Unlimited access to the course. View it wherever and whenever you'd like, this school year and beyond.
- 100% money-back guarantee. If you use it, and you don't love it, we'll refund you. It's as easy as that. (Email:
- Certificate of completion indicating 10 hours of professional development.
We love purchase orders!
If you'd like time to get administrative funding for your enrollment in the course, we love that. Here are some notes to help:
- First, we wrote a whole blog article on how to ask, and it includes a worksheet that lays out the case for a similar course. Find that article here.
- Second, this process can take time. If you're committed to seeking administrative funding, email us at and we'll hold your spot in the course.
- Third, if your school prefers to purchase by check or purchase order, that's great! Just email us at
- If you are experiencing financial hardship and are unable to receive school funding for your enrollment in this professional development course, please email me at I'd love to help.
Frequently Asked Questions
Get started now!
In short, if you're ready to become a warm, demanding leader of a sharp, lovely classroom, this is the course for you.
This course is made for busy teachers who love teaching in theory, but feel bad at it because of all the time they waste on behavior in reality. Teachers who want simple, common-sense solutions to behavior problems. Teachers who want to make a lasting impact not just on what students know but on who they become.
I actually did it. I turned my classroom around from a giant mess into a beacon of excellence and warmth (not my words). I've taken everything I learned in that process, distilled it to the essentials, and put it all here in this course for you-- for today, and for the rest of your teaching career. And I’ll be practicing, too, right along with you.
That first day in our real classrooms in front of live children will be joyful and epic. Let’s crush it.
I can't wait to see you inside.