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Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: 10 Secrets Every Father Should Know Paperback – August 28, 2007
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It’s often difficult for parents to connect with their daughters–and especially so for fathers. In this unique and invaluable guide, Dr. Meg Meeker, a pediatrician with more than twenty years’ experience counseling girls, reveals that a young woman’s relationship with her father is far more important than we’ve ever realized. To become a strong, confident woman, a daughter needs her father’s attention, protection, courage, and wisdom. Dr. Meeker shares the ten secrets every father needs to know in order to strengthen or rebuild bonds with his daughter and shape her life–and his own–for the better. Inside you’ll discover:
• the essential virtues of strong fathers–and how to develop them
• the cues daughters take from their dads on everything from self-respect to drugs, alcohol, and sex
• the truth about ground rules (girls do want them, despite their protests)
• the importance of becoming a hero to your daughter
• the biggest mistake a dad can make–and the ramifications
• the fact that girls actually depend on their dads’ guidance into adulthood
• steps fathers can follow to help daughters avoid disastrous decisions and mistakes
• ways in whicha father’s faith–or lack thereof–will influence his daughter
• essential communication strategies for different stages of a girl’s life
• true stories of “prodigal daughters”–and how their fathers helped to bring them back
Dads, you are far more powerful than you think–and if you follow Dr. Meeker’ s advice, the rewards will be unmatched.
“Reassuring and challenging . . . a helpful road map for concerned fathers [that] tackles difficult issues.”
–National Review
“A touching, illuminating book that will prove valuable to all of us who are fortunate enough to have been blessed with daughters.”
–Michael Medved, nationally syndicated radio talk-show host, author of Right Turns
“Dr. Meeker’s conclusions are timely, relevant, and often deeply moving. No one interested in what girls experience growing up in our culture today–and the impact that parents, especially fathers, have on the experience–can afford to miss reading this book.”
–Armand M. Nicholi, Jr., M.D., professor of psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
- Print length288 pages
- LanguageEnglish
- PublisherBallantine Books
- Publication dateAugust 28, 2007
- Dimensions5.13 x 0.58 x 7.92 inches
- ISBN-100345499395
- ISBN-13978-0345499394
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About the Author
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
You Are the Most Important Man in Her Life
Men, good men: We need you. We—mothers, daughters, and sisters—need your help to raise healthy young women. We need every ounce of masculine courage and wit you own, because fathers, more than anyone else, set the course for a daughter’s life. Your daughter needs the best of who you are: your strength, your courage, your intelligence, and your fearlessness. She needs your empathy, assertiveness, and self-confidence. She needs you.
Our daughters need the support that only fathers can provide—and if you are willing to guide your daughter, to stand between her and a toxic culture, to take her to a healthier place, your rewards will be unmatched. You will experience the love and adoration that can come only from a daughter. You will feel a pride, satisfaction, and joy that you can know nowhere else.
After more than twenty years of listening to daughters—and doling out antibiotics, antidepressants, and stimulants to girls who have gone without a father’s love—I know just how important fathers are. I have listened hour after hour to young girls describe how they vomit in junior high bathrooms to keep their weight down. I have listened to fourteen-year-old girls tell me they have to provide fellatio—which disgusts them—in order to keep their boyfriends. I’ve watched girls drop off varsity tennis teams, flunk out of school, and carve initials or tattoo cult figures onto their bodies—all to see if their dads will notice.
And I have watched daughters talk to fathers. When you come in the room, they change. Everything about them changes: their eyes, their mouths, their gestures, their body language. Daughters are never lukewarm in the presence of their fathers. They might take their mothers for granted, but not you. They light up—or they cry. They watch you intensely. They hang on your words. They hope for your attention, and they wait for it in frustration—or in despair. They need a gesture of approval, a nod of encouragement, or even simple eye contact to let them know you care and are willing to help.
When she’s in your company, your daughter tries harder to excel. When you teach her, she learns more rapidly. When you guide her, she gains confidence. If you fully understood just how profoundly you can influence your daughter’s life, you would be terrified, overwhelmed, or both. Boyfriends, brothers, even husbands can’t shape her character the way you do. You will influence her entire life because she gives you an authority she gives no other man.
Many fathers (particularly of teen girls) assume they have little influence over their daughters—certainly less influence than their daughters’ peers or pop culture—and think their daughters need to figure out life on their own. But your daughter faces a world markedly different from the one you did growing up: it’s less friendly, morally unmoored, and even outright dangerous. After age six, “little girl” clothes are hard to find. Many outfits are cut to make her look like a seductive thirteen- or fourteen-year-old girl trying to attract older boys. She will enter puberty earlier than girls did a generation or two ago (and boys will be watching as she grows breasts even as young as age nine). She will see sexual innuendo or scenes of overt sexual behavior in magazines or on television before she is ten years old, whether you approve or not. She will learn about HIV and AIDS in elementary school and will also probably learn why and how it is transmitted.
When my son was in the fourth grade at a small parochial school, the teacher gave his class a science assignment. Each student was to write a report on any one of the infectious diseases from a list she gave them. My son chose to write about HIV and AIDS. (This was a popular choice because it is so widely talked about.) He learned about the virus and about drug injections and medications used to battle it. After I picked him up at school, we stopped by the grocery store. As I pulled into the parking lot, he was telling me about his findings. Then he said, “Mom, I just don’t get it. I know HIV is really dangerous and that people who get AIDS die. And I get, you know, how men and women give it to each other, but what’s this stuff about men giving it to other men? I just don’t see how that can happen.”
I took a deep breath. Now, I am not a squeamish person. I am a doctor. I’m used to talking to patients about sex-related health risks. And I believe strongly in treating all patients the same, whether they are heterosexual or homosexual. But here’s what grieved me: I know from child psychology that it was too soon to detail specific sexual acts (beyond simple intercourse) to my son. It was one thing to teach him how children are conceived. It was quite another to talk about sexual acts that he cannot understand and should not be confronted with at his age. I felt as though his right to innocence had been invaded. I never withhold information, because knowledge is important, but timing is crucial. Shocking young children breaks their healthy sense of modesty. That modesty serves a protective function. There, in the grocery store parking lot, I spoke as gently as I could, but my son was rightly upset. This knowledge and the mental pictures it drew for him taught him something he didn’t want to know, and was not and could not be prepared to know at his age. In today’s world, we adults do a terrible job of letting kids be kids. Our children are forced prematurely into an adult world that even our own parents or grandparents might have considered pornographic.
When your daughter hits fifth or sixth grade, she will learn what oral sex is. Before too long, she will have a pretty decent chance of seeing someone engaged in it, as the new trend in sexual behavior among adolescents is public display. She will feel comfortable saying the word condom and will know what they look like because she has either seen them on television or at school. Many well-meaning teachers will pride themselves on speaking openly and honestly to her about sex, determined to break the taboo about adults talking to kids about sexual activity. The problem is, many health (sex) educators are woefully behind in the information they use—and this isn’t their fault. Their materials are often outdated. And many celebrities don’t help. Sharon Stone, for instance, recently remarked to the teens of our nation that they should participate in oral sex rather than intercourse because, I guess, she believes it to be safer. Does she understand that any sexually transmitted disease (STD) a kid can get from intercourse, she/he can get from oral sex? I doubt it. Sure, she probably felt that she was on the cutting edge of the new era of sex education, but the problem is, her assumptions are outdated and she hasn’t taken the time to learn the scientific facts. She doesn’t see what we doctors see. Yet she and celebrities like her reach millions of teens with their various messages of “safe sex,” which unfortunately aren’t safe.
Teachers in most schools are no better informed. They know that a high proportion of kids are sexually active, and that many parents don’t know what their kids are up to. But the teachers rely on government-mandated curricula, and government bureaucracies move slower than our knowledge about medicine. Moreover, the government’s standards are not based entirely on science but on principles that many parents might not share.
Sex education curricula generally follow the guidelines of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States. SIECUS is a nonprofit advocacy group that proposes to “assist children in understanding a positive view of sexuality, provide them with information and skills about taking care of their sexual health, and help them acquire skills to make decisions now and in the future.” Let’s review just a few of the guidelines written in the manual so that you can make your own decision about what your daughter is learning at school.
For children ages five to eight (kindergarten through second grade):
8Touching and rubbing one’s own genitals to feel good is called masturbation.
8Some men and women are homosexual, which means that they will be attracted to and fall in love with someone of the same sex. (This is in the manual for the older children.)
For children ages nine to twelve (third through sixth grade):
8Masturbation is often the first way a person experiences sexual pleasure.
8Being sexual with another person usually involves more than sexual intercourse.
8Abortion is legal in the United States up to a certain point in pregnancy.
8Homosexual love relationships can be as fulfilling as heterosexual relationships. (This is in the manual for the older children.)
For children ages twelve to fifteen (seventh through tenth grade):
8Masturbation, either alone or with a partner, is one way people can enjoy and express their sexuality without risking pregnancy or STDs/HIV.
8Being sexual with another person usually involves different sexual behaviors.
8Having a legal abortion rarely interferes with a woman’s ability to become pregnant or give birth in the future.
8People of all genders and sexual orientation can experience sexual dysfunction.
8Some sexual behaviors shared by partners include kissing, touching, caressing, massaging, and oral, vaginal, or anal intercourse.
8Nonprescription methods of contraception include male and female condoms, foam, gels, and suppositories.
8Young people can buy nonprescription contraceptives in a pharmacy, grocery store, market, or convenience store.
8In most states, young people can get prescriptions for contraception without their parents’ permission.
8Both men and women can give and receive sexual pleasure.
For children ages fifteen to eighteen (tenth through twelfth grade):
8Some sexual behaviors shared by partners include kissing, touching, talking, caressing, massaging, sharing erotic literature or art, bathing or showering together, and oral, vaginal, or anal intercourse.
8Some people use erotic photographs, movies, or literature to enhance sexual fantasies when alone or with a partner.
8Some sexual fantasies involve mysterious or forbidden things.
8People can find creative and sensual ways to integrate contraception into their sexual relationship.1
Now let me be very clear here. I don’t care what adults do regarding their sexual behaviors. But I’m a kid advocate and these guidelines bother me, as I hope they do you. First, they are scientifically illiterate. Kids can and do get STDs through mutual masturbation and oral sex. Herpes and human papillomavirus (HPV), for example, are transmitted through touch. Second, these guidelines normalize the bizarre. Sexual fantasies with mysterious things? Are we talking porn-shop stuff here? Third, they lead kids. Note the position of the later statements, which imply that if you want to enjoy pleasure, here’s how to have it. Fourth, they encourage behavior (such as anal sex) that is inherently dangerous. Fifth, whatever one thinks about controversial issues like abortion, it is misleading, to say the least, to downplay the seriousness of the procedure on not only a girl’s body but also on her mind and emotions.
In elementary school your daughter will learn about drugs, the dangers of sniffing glue, why she shouldn’t smoke marijuana, and how bad cigarettes are for her. She will meet her friends’ mothers’ boyfriends. Some will be nice and some won’t be. She will be taught to let someone know—a teacher, a parent, a police officer—if an adult man touches her pubic area or breasts (even if they haven’t developed yet). She will be taught why her friend Sarah has two moms, or two dads, or two moms and one dad, or no mom or dad and only grandparents or foster parents. Most of this she will learn before sixth grade, while you’re at work trying to get through the day and fighting your own battles.
You drive home at the end of the day, walk into your house, and there she is. Twelve years old, chasing her nine-year-old brother, screaming because he took her iPod. Then she sees you and either stops screaming or runs away, because she doesn’t want you to see her ugly behavior.
Or you come home and see her watching television. Chances are, the minute you walk into the room she will grab the channel changer and flip through numerous stations. Why? Because she doesn’t want you to see what she is watching—she’s afraid you will be either angry or disappointed in her. Why? Because the shows aren’t Bewitched or The Cosby Show. They aren’t like the shows you watched growing up. The programs on television have changed right under your nose. Studies show that the amount of sexual content increased from 67 percent in 1998 to 77 percent in 2005.2 If you grew up in the 1960s or 1970s, the amount of sexual content was, comparatively, virtually nonexistent. We’ll look at this in greater detail later, but imagine: three-fourths of the shows your little girl sees have sexual content (unless she still watches Dora the Explorer at age twelve, which I doubt). In addition to this, the intensity of the sexual content has gotten worse.3 In the 1960s, sexual content was Barbara Eden showing her navel on I Dream of Jeannie. By the 1980s, prime-time television was up to heavy kissing or allusions to petting. But that’s become boring. Now, prime time offers numerous allusions to intercourse and oral sex.
For young kids—particularly early preadolescents—such sexualized images and talk can be nothing short of traumatizing. Remember, your daughter will most likely begin puberty before her male friends. This means that from about the third grade on, you need to be very careful about what she’s exposed to. While you and I might not even notice a scene of two people heading beneath the sheets, you can be sure that it raises all sorts of questions in her mind. She is forming her impressions about sex and about how teens and adults behave. If she is forced to form these impressions too young, more often than not, they will be overwhelmingly negative.
When Anna was ten and halfway through her fourth-grade year, her mother brought her in for her annual physical. She was an excellent student, played soccer, and was very well adjusted. Her mother said, however, that she had recently been acting very antagonistic toward her dad. Her mother had no clue why. Anna’s father had had long talks with her and went out of his way to be kind and attentive. This didn’t help. Neither her mother nor I could figure out what was going on. Anna just shrugged her shoulders when I asked why she was so angry with her dad. Perhaps she was just having early pubertal “rebellion,” her mother and I concluded. (Be careful when you hear this term, because nine out of ten times, this isn’t normal. More is brewing beneath the surface of her behavior.)
Two more months went by, and Anna and her mother reappeared in my office. Things had gotten worse at home. Anna didn’t want anything to do with her father, and her mother felt crazy. Was she missing something? Was he abusing her? The very thought made her feel guilty and nauseated. But she was so worried about Anna’s behavior that even such terrible possibilities had passed through her mind. After the three of us chatted, I spoke with Anna alone. We retraced recent events in her life to try to pinpoint when the anger had started. School was okay. She had gotten along fine with her dad and brother. She hadn’t gotten into a tangle with anyone at school. I gently probed for evidence of physical or sexual abuse from anyone. Nope, she said. I believed her. Finally she fell forward and her head dropped level with her shoulders. “I saw this show,” she started. My ears perked up. “Well, I didn’t want my parents to know because they would’ve been really mad at me.”
“Anna, what kind of show was it?” I asked.
“I don’t know the name of it or anything. I was just waiting for dinner. I had finished my homework and Mom said that I could watch TV, so I did. While I was flipping through the channels, I just saw this stuff happening. I knew I shouldn’t watch, but I just kind of couldn’t help it.” She stopped, hoping that I would allow her to stop there. Clearly she was upset. She felt guilty, angry, and sick. I waited. She wasn’t going to talk, so I did. “Anna, who were the people in the show?”
“I don’t know, just this guy and this lady. Yuck. She was kinda, you know, like, naked.”
“I see. What were they doing?”
“Uh. Um. I’m not really sure, but I didn’t like it at all. She had really big boobs showing and this guy was on top of her. But, see, I know all about that stuff ’cause my mom’s told me. But, it was just so weird. I mean, this guy ripped her shirt and he had her pinned down. She wanted to get up and he wouldn’t let her. He was really strong-looking and he was holding her hands down really tight.”
“Anna, I’m so sorry you saw that. That must have made you really upset.”
“I dunno. I guess so. I mean, it’s just a show and all. You’re not gonna tell my mom and dad, are you? They wouldn’t let me watch TV for a long time.”
I changed the subject, knowing that her parents had to know if they were going to help her. “Anna, why did you get so mad at your dad? Does this have anything to do with the show?” I knew, but I wanted her to see the connection.
“Well. I guess I never really thought of it that way. I mean, I know my mom and dad had to have sex once—you know, to have me. Do you think that my dad was like that to my mom? I was just thinking that she had to put up with him being mean and stuff and if she did, it would be my fault. Because if they didn’t have me, then my dad wouldn’t have been mean to my mom. Do you think he hurts her like that?” She looked terribly worried.
“No, absolutely not. Your dad would never do anything like that to your mom. Honey, that’s not normal. That’s television. Sex is really wonderful and is nothing like that at all. I’m sure that your dad would never in a million years hurt anyone that way.” I had to repeat myself to help her believe me.
Anna was having a tough time, but think about her poor dad. For the last two months, in her mind, he had been a sex-crazed, woman-abusing rapist. And he didn’t have a clue what was going on. Does television have an effect on your little girl? You bet it does. But you hold all the power.
Product details
- Publisher : Ballantine Books; 4620th edition (August 28, 2007)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 288 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0345499395
- ISBN-13 : 978-0345499394
- Item Weight : 8 ounces
- Dimensions : 5.13 x 0.58 x 7.92 inches
- Customer Reviews:
About the author

Meg Meeker, M.D., has spent more than thirty years practicing pediatric and adolescent medicine and counseling teens and parents. Dr. Meeker is a fellow of the National Advisory Board of the Medical Institute, is an associate professor of medicine at Michigan State School of Human Medicine. A popular speaker and bestselling author of several books, including the national bestseller, STRONG FATHERS, STRONG DAUGHTERS; THE 10 HABITS OF HAPPY MOTHERS; and BOYS SHOULD BE BOYS. In 2012, Dr. Meeker released STRONG FATHERS, STRONG DAUGHTERS: THE 30-DAY CHALLENGE, the highly-anticipated follow-up to the original bestselling title.
A popular speaker on pediatric health issues and child-parent relationships, she is a frequent guest on nationally syndicated radio and television programs. She works with the NFL Fatherhood Initiative and spoke at the UN in 2016on family issues. Dr. Meeker lives in northern Michigan, where she shares a medical practice with her husband, Walter. They have four children.
PRAISE FOR HERO: Being the Strong Father Your Children Need
"Whether I'm working toward winning a Super Bowl or parenting my children, I need a game plan. HERO lays out that plan. Nothing matters more to me than raising children who grow up to be strong, loving adults that know, love, and serve God. Thank you, Meg, for writing such an encouraging and inspiring book for fathers like me!"
-Philip River, Los Angeles Chargers quarterback
"If you are a dad, you MUST read tis book. If you want to bless your own dad, you need to five him this book. Dr. Meg Meeker's message to fathers is simply incredible. Period."
-Les Parrott, PH.D., #1 New York Times bestselling author of SAVING YOUR MARRIAGE BEFORE IT STARTS
"Superman is good. Captain America is great. YOU, on the other hand, have been designed with powers beyond those of ordinary men. With purpose and wisdom flowing through your veins, you YOU can save your children from the pitfalls that await! YOU are the hero they long for. You are the hero they will remember. Let this book be your guide, my friend. Go...while there's still time! You have only one chance...."
-Andy Andrews, New York Times bestselling author of THE TRAVELER'S GIFT and THE NOTICER
"For many men, the critically important role of 'father' often takes a backseat to the responsibilities of being a husband, provider, or sensitivity, Dr. Meg Meeker offers a powerful reminder that 'dad' is the most important tile a man will ever hold."
-Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family
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Customers find the book easy to read and a good guide for parents. They appreciate the insights and personal experiences provided by the author and her patients. Many readers find the book affirming and valuable, with strong faith and parenting as key themes. They consider it an excellent Father's Day gift and a must-have for fathers of daughters. However, opinions differ on the information quality - some find it insightful and simple, while others feel it lacks useful insights and provides a vague summary.
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Customers find the book easy to read and helpful for parents. They say it's a good guide for fathers with daughters entering or approaching their teens. The author integrates stories from her own experiences and those of other fathers, providing valuable advice and wisdom.
"...of the 10 secrets, providing supporting data and ample real life examples of prodigal daughters that are sure to resonate...." Read more
"...And every mother and grandmother who is supporting fathers. A helpful roadmap for life. Karen Briscoe, author" Read more
"...It was also educational and incredibly motivating...." Read more
"The book is great but the case was damaged and wasn’t even wrapped in cellophane." Read more
Customers find the book insightful and affirming. It draws conclusions from the author's experiences and real-world examples. The book celebrates a dad's natural strengths and encourages fathers to believe that it's possible.
"...5. Pragmatism and grit: two of your greatest assets – Teach her to appreciate grit as nothing makes a heart melt like a man with courage and resolve...." Read more
"Inspiration and insights of secrets every father should know. And every mother and grandmother who is supporting fathers...." Read more
"...many practical ways for men to be more engaged, present, heroic, and loving. Just a few of the many useful gems for me were:..." Read more
"...I love this book. It was faith based backed up with medical facts too! I really enjoyed the book. I don't want to give it all away...." Read more
Customers find the book helpful for strengthening fathers and daughters. They appreciate the values of family, parenting, and the important role of fathers. The book is well-written and supportive, helping readers become more engaged, present, and heroic. Readers mention that the book makes them realize that times are different and never give up.
"...Key take-aways of this book include the essential virtues of strong fathers; how a father’s modeling contributes or denigrates a daughter’s self-..." Read more
"...then outlines many practical ways for men to be more engaged, present, heroic, and loving...." Read more
"...such as, strengthening the bond between you and your daughter, discipline, listening, perseverance, patience, and many others...." Read more
"...and how you can be not only a stronger father, but also a stronger husband and man...." Read more
Customers find the book a good value for money. They say it's worth reading and has good ideas for solving different problems.
"...Since the price was right and it was so highly recommended, I decided to purchase this book as a little gift for my husband...." Read more
"...them completely, with surprisingly simple, painless methods that cost nothing!! Moms need to read a little of this book, too...." Read more
"...It is worthwhile even if you don't have a daughter though the focus is the Daughter & Dad relationship...." Read more
"...Well written and very wise and appropriate advise. Great gift for Father’s Day too! Easy read...." Read more
Customers find the book a good gift idea for fathers with daughters.
"...daughters - he called us the next day to thank us for such a thoughtful gift!!" Read more
"...Well written and very wise and appropriate advise. Great gift for Father’s Day too! Easy read...." Read more
"...A great gift for any dad and one of the best investments any dad could make in the future health and happiness of his daughter." Read more
"...This book is a must. It is a wonderful gift for any new Dad...." Read more
Customers have different views on the book's information. Some find it provides great statistics and perspectives on sensitive topics, with concise observations about what fathers can do. However, others feel it lacks good information that common sense doesn't provide, with a vague summary and sweeping generalizations. The advice presentation is also lacking for some readers.
"...I found it to be very simple and driven by statistical analysis, but if you are a father who doesn't believe in teaching your children about God,..." Read more
" "studies show.." and "research indicates..." but no actual data to support the arguments...." Read more
"...Good action plan points, and good observations that helped better understand female point of you...." Read more
"...I can't blame the (intentionally?) vague summary...." Read more
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Great content! (Some printing issues in this batch)
Top reviews from the United States
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- Reviewed in the United States on January 23, 2016Meg Meeker MD’s “Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters” is an A-list book for both fathers and mothers…and for daughters. There is something in this book for everyone.
Meeker is a practicing pediatrician and Clincial Assistant Professor at Michigan State University. She has written five other books on the raising of children – “Strong Mother, Strong Sons”, “Your Kids at Risk: How Teen Sex Threatens Our Sons and Daughters”, “Boys Should be Boys: 7 Secrets to Raising Healthy Sons”, and “The Ten Habits of Happy Mothers: Reclaiming Our Passion, Purpose, and Sanity”. She writes from an unabashedly Catholic perspective. Her books draw from her 20+ years of experience as a pediatrician and a counselor to young girls. She has seen the impact of absent parents, promiscuity, drugs and alcohol, and unhealthy friendships on children, their development, and subsequent happiness.
In “Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters”, author Meeker outlines the importance of the father’s role in a daughter’s development and ultimate happiness; and she provides ten key “secrets” to guide fathers in navigating the path they must take for success.
Secret #1 - “You (the father) are the most important man in her (your daughter’s) life” – is the overarching theme throughout the book. What you do and don’t do has big, big impact on your daughter’s development, overall well-being, and her eventual happiness. When she is 25, she will mentally size her boyfriend her husband up against you; when she is 35 the number of children she has will be impacted by the life she had with you.” Fathers are critical to a daughter’s self-worth and growth - physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually.
Nine other secrets every father should know follow. They are:
1. She needs a hero – Heroes save families. They meet the deepest needs of the human heart. They teach undiluted commitment and faithfulness.
2. You are her first love - Your daughter yearns to secure your love, and throughout her life she’ll need you to prove it. Every man who enters her life will be compared to you.
3. Teach her humility – Genuine humility is the starting point for every other virtue. Humility means having a proper perspective on ourselves, of seeing ourselves as we really are. It also means knowing that every person has equal worth.
4. Protect her, defend her (and use a shotgun if necessary) – Boundaries are a sign of love. The father is a far more effective protector of his daughter than anyone else in life. Teens are getting mixed messages from their schools, churches, and civic groups.
5. Pragmatism and grit: two of your greatest assets – Teach her to appreciate grit as nothing makes a heart melt like a man with courage and resolve. We admire men who are willing to risk their lives to help good triumph over evil and have the moral wit to distinguish between the two.
6. Be the man you want her to marry – Like physicians, see it, do it, teach it. She needs to see what a good man looks like, she has to know one: a model of masculinity; a man of integrity; a man who inspires trust and respect; a leader; committed to family; willing to sacrifice for them.
7. Teach her who God is - Your daughter needs God. You should be glad that she wants to believe in something larger, because you know all too well that many times you will fail her. And the evidence (provided by Meeker) says: religion is protective for kids.
8. Teach her how to fight – Reason, experience, and our moral compass help us decide what to do. It is your job to provide your daughter with a moral compass, to be the voice of reason when she talks about feelings, and to show her the power of will that allows you to live with the outcome of moral reasoning.
9. Keep her connected - Stay connected with your daughter and make her part of your everyday life. Have her help you with chores, or take her out to a theater, or go on a mission trip with her, but whatever you do, focus on her.
Meeker goes into great depth on each of the 10 secrets, providing supporting data and ample real life examples of prodigal daughters that are sure to resonate.
I was a single-parent, raising a son and daughter from ages 13 and 10 respectively. I wish this book was around when I took on the responsibility of being the sole parent of two wonderful children. I was not a perfect father but I did do a number of things right. I quit work to be available to both as we adjusted to a life without a mom. I spent time with both and also individually as we shared special events like a football game, a concert, the symphony, and special summer trips to Big Fork, Montana. My children are now doing the same for their children (my son has two and my daughter has five). They grew as did I.
Key take-aways of this book include the essential virtues of strong fathers; how a father’s modeling contributes or denigrates a daughter’s self-esteem; the importance of boundaries and how to enforce them; the biggest mistake a dad can make; the importance of faith; and how girls depend on their dad’s guidance well into adulthood.
We all know women whose father’s failed them. What will your daughter’s life say about you?
- Reviewed in the United States on February 6, 2025Inspiration and insights of secrets every father should know. And every mother and grandmother who is supporting fathers. A helpful roadmap for life. Karen Briscoe, author
- Reviewed in the United States on August 22, 2017I will be honest: this book was disturbing to me in many ways. It was also educational and incredibly motivating. I am a 28 year-old first time father, and ordered this book after hearing Dave Ramsey mention it.
The book was disturbing because Dr. Meeker, in no uncertain terms, exposes her readers to the dark realities that daughters face from school, their social lives, sexual pressures, the media they are exposed to, etc. She does this by citing statistical data, behavioral science, and real-life examples from her work in counseling young women. A few examples: 41% of U.S. girls aged 14-17 experience unwanted sex, 28% of high school students have more than 5 drinks in a row on more than one day in a month, and 47% of high schoolers are sexually active before high school ends. One of the particularly poignant real-life stories Dr. Meeker shares is of a young 10 year-old girl who abruptly withdraws from her father, with whom she had had a good relationship before. After months of this, her parents bring her to Dr. Meeker. Dr. Meeker eventually discovers that the girl had seem some pornography in which there was a man acting aggressively towards a woman. Having no prior idea of what sex was like, she assumed that that was how all men, including her father, treated women sexually. The poor guy had no idea that for months his daughter had been viewing him as a sexual, abusive male (the lesson from this particular story: daughters will be exposed to pornography at a young age, and open communication early on from her father regarding sexual matters is critical).
I wasn't prepared for some of this, especially the in-depth discussions on eating disorders and sexual assault. I think most fathers assume that these things will only happen to other people's daughters. However, I'm glad that I read it as it opened my eyes and motivated me to be extra vigilant as my daughter grows up.
To be clear, the whole book isn't dark and depressing. The good news, as Dr. Meeker explains, is that the risks above decrease significantly for girls who have engaged, present fathers in their lives. She then outlines many practical ways for men to be more engaged, present, heroic, and loving.
Just a few of the many useful gems for me were:
-Many daughters will dive into a power struggle with their fathers, not to see how tough they are, but to see how much their fathers really care about them. In fact, many girls complain to their friends about how strict their dads are as a way to "show off" how much their fathers love them.
-If a daughter is mistreated, or even abused by someone else, her father's reaction is essential to her ability to recover and move on. Seeing her father get angry when he hears about it and come to her defense, rather than be apathetic, is critical.
-If you have a good, loving relationship with your daughter, she is more likely to choose boyfriends who will treat her well.
-Tell her you love her for her qualities and characteristics, not external factors like her physical appearance or academic achievements.
-How to argue with your daughter.
Those are just a few. I highly recommend this book for any dad, whether his daughter is a newborn, teenager, or even a young woman. I will definitely reference this book moving forward as I raise my daughter to be strong.
- Reviewed in the United States on December 25, 2024The book is great but the case was damaged and wasn’t even wrapped in cellophane.
- Reviewed in the United States on November 14, 2024I've been giving away copies of this book to all my new dad friends when they have daughters since I read my first copy in 2008. It's a great book! However, this new batch of printings has some issues on pages 62, 63, 64 and 66. I've included a couple of pics. I ordered 5 copies total and they all have the exact some printing issues, so it's an entire batch.
Would be 5 stars for content, minus one star for the printing issues.
5.0 out of 5 starsI've been giving away copies of this book to all my new dad friends when they have daughters since I read my first copy in 2008. It's a great book! However, this new batch of printings has some issues on pages 62, 63, 64 and 66. I've included a couple of pics. I ordered 5 copies total and they all have the exact some printing issues, so it's an entire batch.Great content! (Some printing issues in this batch)
Reviewed in the United States on November 14, 2024
Would be 5 stars for content, minus one star for the printing issues.
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Top reviews from other countries
Amazon CustomerReviewed in Mexico on February 14, 2025
5.0 out of 5 stars Excelente libro, muy buen material
Es un libro con mucha sabiduria, muy util para todas las edades de los hijos pero lectura para el padre. Recomiendo.
- nancyReviewed in Saudi Arabia on October 29, 2024
5.0 out of 5 stars Very good quality
Will be reading it soon
- Baldev RajReviewed in India on July 31, 2024
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent !
Original book with good print and paper. Bought it for my son and granddaughters. Next review after reading the book.
Baldev RajExcellent !
Reviewed in India on July 31, 2024
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- Cliente KindleReviewed in Brazil on November 16, 2019
5.0 out of 5 stars Nice book!
Very nice guide to fathers. It provides important guidance for parenting, focusing on the relationship between dads a d daughters.
It became a relevant reference for me.
- Berliner_StudentReviewed in Germany on May 8, 2019
5.0 out of 5 stars Profound and helpful advice! :-)
I ordered the audio book and had to wait more than 3 weeks till the CD(DVD?) was delivered. But this audio book is worth the money! :-)