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When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing Hardcover – January 9, 2018
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#1 Wall Street Journal Business Bestseller
Instant Washington Post Bestseller
"Brims with a surprising amount of insight and practical advice." --The Wall Street Journal
Daniel H. Pink, the #1 bestselling author of Drive and To Sell Is Human, unlocks the scientific secrets to good timing to help you flourish at work, at school, and at home.
Everyone knows that timing is everything. But we don't know much about timing itself. Our lives are a never-ending stream of "when" decisions: when to start a business, schedule a class, get serious about a person. Yet we make those decisions based on intuition and guesswork.
Timing, it's often assumed, is an art. In When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, Pink shows that timing is really a science.
Drawing on a rich trove of research from psychology, biology, and economics, Pink reveals how best to live, work, and succeed. How can we use the hidden patterns of the day to build the ideal schedule? Why do certain breaks dramatically improve student test scores? How can we turn a stumbling beginning into a fresh start? Why should we avoid going to the hospital in the afternoon? Why is singing in time with other people as good for you as exercise? And what is the ideal time to quit a job, switch careers, or get married?
In When, Pink distills cutting-edge research and data on timing and synthesizes them into a fascinating, readable narrative packed with irresistible stories and practical takeaways that give readers compelling insights into how we can live richer, more engaged lives.
- Print length272 pages
- LanguageEnglish
- PublisherRiverhead Books
- Publication dateJanuary 9, 2018
- Dimensions6.2 x 1.1 x 9.3 inches
- ISBN-100735210624
- ISBN-13978-0735210622
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Editorial Reviews
Amazon.com Review
“Known for his popular books on motivation and creativity, Pink tackles the science behind how we organize our time and how we should set up the routines of our days.” —Washington Post, 11 Leadership Books to Read in 2018
“[Pink] unpicks compelling patterns... And he includes handy ‘time-hacking’ advice on how to put the insights divulged into practice.” —Nature
“Daniel Pink is one of the few non-fiction authors alive today capable of filtering the work of so many scientific minds through his original human stories and onto the page. He is doggedly diligent in his academic research yet his examples are accessible... Like a long walk with a good, funny, wise friend in a leafy park, reading this book is time well spent.” —Harper's Bazaar
“The breadth of the book's scope is impressive... Pink makes a point to end each chapter with takeaway points that readers can apply to their own lives. When is engaging, conversational and tightly edited, making it an easy yet important read.” —Associated Press
“When contains a cornucopia of compelling information and insights.” —Philadelphia Inquirer
“Helpful tips and insightful solutions.” —Forbes
“Pink should change many people's understanding of timing with this book, which provides insights from little-known scientific studies in an accessible way... By the book's end, readers will be thinking much more carefully about how they divide up theirs days and organize their routines.” —Publishers Weekly
“Consistently applying the principles laid out in the book could have dramatic impacts on one’s life and on society.” —Washington Post
“Solid science backed by sensible action points.” —Kirkus
“Helpful, inspiring and thoughtful advice.” —Booklist
“[When] reveals that timing really is everything... This marriage of research, stories and practical application is vintage Pink, helping us use science to improve our everyday lives.” —BookPage
“Minutes are precious—and easier than ever to waste. Daniel H. Pink’s deeply researched but never boring study could be a turning point. College students and business managers alike may find new ways to organize their schedules and ease difficult decisions by using the 'hidden pattern' of time to their advantage.” —The Wall Street Journal
“A new thought-provoking book about time and timing.” —Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette
“[Pink’s] latest book, When, draws on research from psychology, biology and economics to explore how timing impacts every aspect of our lives.” —EdSurge
“In this amazingly actionable and equally enthralling book, Dan tackles all the big timing questions.” —LinkedIn
Praise for Daniel H. Pink and his books:
“Provocative.” —Malcolm Gladwell
“Compelling.” —The Washington Post
“Like discovering your favorite professor in a box.” —Publishers Weekly
“A frothy blend of utility and entertainment.” —Bloomberg
“Convincing.” —Scientific American
“Radical, surprising, and undeniably true.” —Forbes
“Audacious and powerful.” —The Miami Herald
“Right on the money.” —US News & World Report
About the Author
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
The Hidden Pattern of Everyday Life
What men daily do, not knowing what they do!
—William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing
If you want to measure the world’s emotional state, to find a mood ring large enough to encircle the globe, you could do worse than Twitter. Nearly one billion human beings have accounts, and they post roughly 6,000 tweets every second. The sheer volume of these minimessages—what people say and how they say it—has produced an ocean of data that social scientists can swim through to understand human behavior.
A few years ago, two Cornell University sociologists, Michael Macy and Scott Golder, studied more than 500 million tweets that 2.4 million users in eighty-four countries posted over a two-year period. They hoped to use this trove to measure people’s emotions—in particular, how “positive affect” (emotions such as enthusiasm, confidence, and alertness) and “negative affect” (emotions such as anger, lethargy, and guilt) varied over time. The researchers didn’t read those half a billion tweets one by one, of course. Instead, they fed the posts into a powerful and widely used computerized text-analysis program called LIWC (Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count) that evaluated each word for the emotion it conveyed.
What Macy and Golder found, and published in the eminent journal Science, was a remarkably consistent pattern across people’s waking hours. Positive affect—language revealing that tweeters felt active, engaged, and hopeful—generally rose in the morning, plummeted in the afternoon, and climbed back up again in the early evening. Whether a tweeter was North American or Asian, Muslim or atheist, black or white or brown, didn’t matter. “The temporal affective pattern is similarly shaped across disparate cultures and geographic locations,” they write. Nor did it matter whether people were tweeting on a Monday or a Thursday. Each weekday was basically the same. Weekend results differed slightly. Positive affect was generally a bit higher on Saturdays and Sundays—and the morning peak began about two hours later than on weekdays—but the overall shape stayed the same. Whether measured in a large, diverse country like the United States or a smaller, more homogenous country like the United Arab Emirates, the daily pattern remained weirdly similar.
Across continents and time zones, as predictable as the ocean tides, was the same daily oscillation—a peak, a trough, and a rebound. Beneath the surface of our everyday life is a hidden pattern: crucial, unexpected, and revealing.
Understanding this pattern—where it comes from and what it means—begins with a potted plant, a Mimosa pudica, to be exact, that perched on the windowsill of an office in eighteenth-century France. Both the office and the plant belonged to Jean-Jacques d’Ortous de Mairan, a prominent astronomer of his time. Early one summer evening in 1729, de Mairan sat at his desk doing what both eighteenth-century French astronomers and twenty-first-century American writers do when they have serious work to complete: He was staring out the window. As twilight approached, de Mairan noticed that the leaves of the plant sitting on his windowsill had closed up. Earlier in the day, when sunlight streamed through the window, the leaves were spread open. This pattern—leaves unfurled during the sunny morning and furled as darkness loomed—spurred questions. How did the plant sense its surroundings? And what would happen if that pattern of light and dark was disrupted?
So in what would become an act of historically productive procrastination, de Mairan removed the plant from the windowsill, stuck it in a cabinet, and shut the door to seal off light. The following morning, he opened the cabinet to check on the plant and—mon Dieu!—the leaves had unfurled despite being in complete darkness. He continued his investigation for a few more weeks, draping black curtains over his windows to prevent even a sliver of light from penetrating the office. The pattern remained. The Mimosa pudica’s leaves opened in the morning, closed in the evening. The plant wasn’t reacting to external light. It was abiding by its own internal clock.
Since de Mairan’s discovery nearly three centuries ago, scientists have established that nearly all living things—from single-cell organisms that lurk in ponds to multicellular organisms that drive minivans—have biological clocks. These internal timekeepers play an essential role in proper functioning. They govern a collection of what are called circadian rhythms (from the Latin circa [around] and diem [day]) that set the daily backbeat of every creature’s life. (Indeed, from de Mairan’s potted plant eventually bloomed an entirely new science of biological rhythms known as chronobiology.)
For you and me, the biological Big Ben is the suprachiasmatic nucleus, or SCN, a cluster of some 20,000 cells the size of a grain of rice in the hypothalamus, which sits in the lower center of the brain. The SCN controls the rise and fall of our body temperature, regulates our hormones, and helps us fall asleep at night and awaken in the morning. The SCN’s daily timer runs a bit longer than it takes for the Earth to make one full rotation—about twenty-four hours and eleven minutes. So our built-in clock uses social cues (office schedules and bus timetables) and environmental signals (sunrise and sunset) to make small adjustments that bring the internal and external cycles more or less in synch, a process called “entrainment.”
The result is that, like the plant on de Mairan’s windowsill, human beings metaphorically “open” and “close” at regular times during each day. The patterns aren’t identical for every person—just as my blood pressure and pulse aren’t exactly the same as yours or even the same as mine were twenty years ago or will be twenty years hence. But the broad contours are remarkably similar. And where they’re not, they differ in predictable ways.
Chronobiologists and other researchers began by examining physiological functions such as melatonin production and metabolic response, but the work has now widened to include emotions and behavior. Their research is unlocking some surprising time-based patterns in how we feel and how we perform—which, in turn, yields guidance on how we can configure our own daily lives.
Mood Swings and Stock Swings
For all their volume, hundreds of millions of tweets cannot provide a perfect window into our daily souls. While other studies using Twitter to measure mood have found much the same patterns that Macy and Golder discovered, both the medium and the methodology have limits. People often use social media to present an ideal face to the world that might mask their true, and perhaps less ideal, emotions. In addition, the industrial-strength analytic tools necessary to interpret so much data can’t always detect irony, sarcasm, and other subtle human tricks.
Fortunately, behavioral scientists have other methods to understand what we are thinking and feeling, and one is especially good for charting hour-to-hour changes in how we feel. It’s called the Day Reconstruction Method (DRM), the creation of a quintet of researchers that included Daniel Kahneman, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, and Alan Krueger, who served as chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers under Barack Obama. With the DRM, participants reconstruct the previous day—chronicling everything they did and how they felt while doing it. DRM research, for instance, has shown that during any given day people typically are least happy while commuting and most happy while canoodling.
In 2006, Kahneman, Krueger, and crew enlisted the DRM to measure “a quality of affect that is often overlooked: its rhythmicity over the course of a day.” They asked more than nine hundred American women—a mix of races, ages, household incomes, and education levels—to think about the previous “day as a continuous series of scenes or episodes in a film,” each one lasting between about fifteen minutes and two hours. The women then described what they were doing during each episode and chose from a list of twelve adjectives (happy, frustrated, enjoying myself, annoyed, and so on) to characterize their emotions during that time.
When the researchers crunched the numbers, they found a “consistent and strong bimodal pattern”—twin peaks—during the day. The women’s positive affect climbed in the morning hours until it reached an “optimal emotional point” around midday. Then their good mood quickly plummeted and stayed low throughout the afternoon only to rise again in the early evening.
Here, for example, are charts for three positive emotions—happy, warm, and enjoying myself. (The vertical axis represents the participants’ measure of their mood, with higher numbers being more positive and lower numbers less positive. The horizontal axis shows the time of day, from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.)
The three charts are obviously not identical, but they all share the same essential shape. What’s more, that shape—and the cycle of the day it represents—looks a lot like the one on page 10. An early spike, a big drop, and a subsequent recovery.
On a matter as elusive as human emotion, no study or methodology is definitive. This DRM looked only at women. In addition, what and when can be difficult to untangle. One reason “enjoying myself” is high at noon and low at 5 p.m. is that we tend to dig socializing (which people do around lunchtime) and detest battling traffic (which people often do in the early evening). Yet the pattern is so regular, and has been replicated so many times, that it’s difficult to ignore.
So far I’ve described only what DRM researchers found about positive affect. The ups and downs of negative emotions—feeling frustrated, worried, or hassled—were not as pronounced, but they typically showed a reverse pattern, rising in the afternoon and sinking as the day drew to a close. But when the researchers combined the two emotions, the effect was especially stark. The following graph depicts what you might think of as “net good mood.” It takes the hourly ratings for happiness and subtracts the ratings for frustration.
Once again, a peak, a trough, and a rebound.
Moods are an internal state, but they have an external impact. Try as we might to conceal our emotions, they inevitably leak—and that shapes how others respond to our words and actions.
Which leads us inexorably to canned soup.
If you’ve ever prepared a bowl of cream of tomato soup for lunch, Doug Conant might be the reason why. From 2001 to 2011, Conant was the CEO of Campbell Soup Company, the iconic brand with those iconic cans. During his tenure, Conant helped to revitalize the company and return it to steady growth. Like all CEOs, Conant juggled multiple duties. But one he handled with particular calm and aplomb is the rite of corporate life known as the quarterly earnings call.
Every three months, Conant and two or three lieutenants (usually the company’s chief financial officer, controller, and head of investor relations) would walk into a boardroom in Campbell’s Camden, New Jersey, headquarters. Each person would take a seat along one of the sides of a long rectangular table. At the center of the table sat a speakerphone, the staging ground for a one-hour conference call. At the other end of the speakerphone were one hundred or so investors, journalists, and, most important, stock analysts, whose job is to assess a company’s strengths and weaknesses. In the first half hour, Conant would report on Campbell’s revenue, expenses, and earnings the previous quarter. In the second half hour, the executives would answer questions posed by analysts, who would probe for clues about the company’s performance.
At Campbell Soup and all public companies, the stakes are high for earnings calls. How analysts react—did the CEO’s comments leave them bullish or bearish about the company’s prospects?—can send a stock soaring or sinking. “You have to thread the needle,” Conant told me. “You have to be responsible and unbiased, and report the facts. But you also have a chance to champion the company and set the record straight.” Conant says his goal was always to “take uncertainty out of an uncertain marketplace. For me, these calls introduced a sense of rhythmic certainty into my relationships with investors.”
CEOs are human beings, of course, and therefore presumably subject to the same daily changes in mood as the rest of us. But CEOs are also a stalwart lot. They’re tough-minded and strategic. They know that millions of dollars ride on every syllable they utter in these calls, so they arrive at these encounters poised and prepared. Surely it couldn’t make any difference—to the CEO’s performance or the company’s fortunes—when these calls occur?
Three American business school professors decided to find out. In a first-of-its-kind study, they analyzed more than 26,000 earnings calls from more than 2,100 public companies over six and a half years using linguistic algorithms similar to the ones employed in the Twitter study. They examined whether the time of day influenced the emotional tenor of these critical conversations—and, as a consequence, perhaps even the price of the company’s stock.
Calls held first thing in the morning turned out to be reasonably upbeat and positive. But as the day progressed, the “tone grew more negative and less resolute.” Around lunchtime, mood rebounded slightly, probably because call participants recharged their mental and emotional batteries, the professors conjectured. But in the afternoon, negativity deepened again, with mood recovering only after the market’s closing bell. Moreover, this pattern held “even after controlling for factors such as industry norms, financial distress, growth opportunities, and the news that companies were reporting.” In other words, even when the researchers factored in economic news (a slowdown in China that hindered a company’s exports) or firm fundamentals (a company that reported abysmal quarterly earnings), afternoon calls “were more negative, irritable, and combative” than morning calls.
Perhaps more important, especially for investors, the time of the call and the subsequent mood it engendered influenced companies’ stock prices. Shares declined in response to negative tone—again, even after adjusting for actual good news or bad news—“leading to temporary stock mispricing for firms hosting earnings calls later in the day.”
While the share prices eventually righted themselves, these results are remarkable. As the researchers note, “call participants represent the near embodiment of the idealized homo economicus.” Both the analysts and the executives know the stakes. It’s not merely the people on the call who are listening. It’s the entire market. The wrong word, a clumsy answer, or an unconvincing response can send a stock’s price spiraling downward, imperiling the company’s prospects and the executives’ paychecks. These hardheaded businesspeople have every incentive to act rationally, and I’m sure they believe they do. But economic rationality is no match for a biological clock forged during a few million years of evolution. Even “sophisticated economic agents acting in real and highly incentivized settings are influenced by diurnal rhythms in the performance of their professional duties.”
These findings have wide implications, say the researchers. The results “are indicative of a much more pervasive phenomenon of diurnal rhythms influencing corporate communications, decision-making and performance across all employee ranks and business enterprises throughout the economy.” So stark were the results that the authors do something rare in academic papers: They offer specific, practical advice.
“[A]n important takeaway from our study for corporate executivesis that communications with investors, and probably other criticalmanagerial decisions and negotiations, should be conducted earlier in the day.”
Should the rest of us heed this counsel? (Campbell, as it happens,typically held its earnings calls in the morning.) Our moods cycle in a regular pattern—and, almost invisibly, that affects how corporate executives do their job. So should those of us who haven’t ascended to the C-suite also frontload our days and tackle our important work in the morning?
The answer is yes. And no.
Product details
- Publisher : Riverhead Books; Illustrated edition (January 9, 2018)
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 272 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0735210624
- ISBN-13 : 978-0735210622
- Item Weight : 1 pounds
- Dimensions : 6.2 x 1.1 x 9.3 inches
- Best Sellers Rank: #162,729 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #175 in Time Management (Books)
- #470 in Decision-Making & Problem Solving
- #481 in Popular Social Psychology & Interactions
- Customer Reviews:
About the author

Daniel H. Pink is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of seven books -- including his latest, THE POWER OF REGRET: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward. His books have sold millions of copies around the world, been translated into forty-two languages, and have won multiple awards. He lives with his family in Washington, DC.
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Customers find the book provides insightful and practical advice on timing. They find it an enjoyable, well-organized read with interesting stories. The simple central thesis is supported by pragmatic tips and tricks that readers can implement immediately. Readers appreciate the engaging and eloquent writing style. The book offers useful insights into productivity and success.
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Customers find the book provides useful insights and anecdotes. They find the thesis simple and build off a small body of research. The book provides a useful framework to evaluate one's routines and explore if there are ways to improve them. It is interesting, well-researched, and practical. Readers can relate to almost every chapter and example.
"...getting there on my own and, in the end, Pink does what great researchers and historians ultimately do by rising above the facts and figures...." Read more
"...There are also some crucial insights on midpoints. That’s where Pink introduces us to what he calls “The uh-oh effect.”..." Read more
"...but it is an easy, delightful read that gives us all the clues we need to start tackling this timing question in earnest...." Read more
"...He draws from a wide range of fascinating examples, starting with how the time of day may have played a major role in bad decisions made by the..." Read more
Customers find the book easy to read and enjoyable. They say it's a solid read that all individuals should read, regardless of their profession. The examples are numerous and wide-ranging. Readers appreciate the author's narration and consider the book a phenomenal resource.
"...All told, this is a very easy and quick read. The writing is crisp and clear and the author has a good sense of humor...." Read more
"...Now I believe that it requires a sense of belonging, rewards a sense of purpose, and reveals a part of our nature...." Read more
"...but it is an easy, delightful read that gives us all the clues we need to start tackling this timing question in earnest...." Read more
"...without reading this book, and, also like his other books, it was a great read! Buckle up for an amazing ride and prepare to be blown away - AGAIN!..." Read more
Customers appreciate the book's focus on timing. They find it an interesting collection of stories about timing, divided into three sections. The book helps readers make better decisions in scheduling things and improve their daily planners, caffeine intake, work routines, and exercise habits. It also points out the role of time of day in test results, trial outcomes, and tweaking their daily routines, like caffeine intake and exercise.
"...It’s a book about timing, the “when” side of the “what” coin. When is a lot more critical than most of us assume...." Read more
"...Pink has divided his book on “perfect timing” into three sections. Part 1 is about the day. There are two chapters...." Read more
"...In this latest book, Pink examines how time and timing impacts what we do and when we do it, and why...." Read more
"...rhythms so much, I believe it immediately helped me make better decisions in scheduling things...." Read more
Customers find the book's advice simple and actionable. They appreciate the insightful chapters and follow-up practical tips and tricks for school and life. The writing is clear and easy to follow, with helpful tips at the end of each chapter describing how to apply what they learned.
"...All told, this is a very easy and quick read. The writing is crisp and clear and the author has a good sense of humor...." Read more
"...When" is not a book about meetings (never fear!) but it is an easy, delightful read that gives us all the clues we need to start tackling this..." Read more
"...sound tests to assess your chronotype quite easily, Pink offers a simple test and a variety of tips throughout the book in chapters titled “Time..." Read more
"...a complex topic, break it down into the key elements, and explain them clearly and simply...." Read more
Customers find the book engaging and well-researched. They appreciate the eloquent style and humorous prose. The book is coherent and actionable, with a nice conclusion that makes a positive impact. Readers describe it as an easy read with well-laid framing and lots of research to back up its ideas.
"...It’s a coherent look at it with actionable things for readers...." Read more
"...Addressed in Pink fashion, well researched and full of stories to support the ideas presented...." Read more
"...may be that he delivers carefully researched material with the eloquent style and humorous prose of an accomplished novelist while providing info..." Read more
"...And as nicely put in the final page, the author achieves to create positive difference in reader's live...." Read more
Customers find the book helpful for maximizing productivity. They appreciate the practical research results on productivity, leadership, and working in teams. The book provides insights into when to make decisions, work, and exercise. It also inspires and informs how to improve employee work lives.
"...great that he points out the role of time of day in test results, trial outcomes, and parole hearings...." Read more
"...Learning about chronotypes and practical research results on productivity, leadership and working in teams allowed me a framework to connect my..." Read more
"...Which he does well in this book. Karen Briscoe, author and podcast host 5 Minute Success" Read more
"...It talks cycles of life, when to make decisions, work out, when the brain is strongest, etc... It even discusses editing your friends as one gets..." Read more
Customers have different views on the endings. Some find them poignant and key to remembering journeys, while others feel they lack a smooth conclusion and did not finish in one session.
"...Part 2 is about the emotional power of beginnings and endings. There are also some crucial insights on midpoints...." Read more
"...before I finished the book Once I finished it I felt it lacked a smooth conclusion, it was more of a "this is all I got and time to publish the..." Read more
"...He also explains the significance of beginnings, midpoints, and endings...." Read more
"...graceful, grateful endings. Five stars, and then some." Read more
Customers find the book's pacing slow and repetitive. They find the content boring and unnecessarily verbose, making it difficult to sustain interest. Many readers feel the book is not worth their time and find it hard to stay motivated to finish.
"...Because of this, much of the book is repetitive and trying to stretch the idea across several avenues...." Read more
"...Very repetitive...." Read more
"...patterns, which are nicely correlated with brain function, this book becomes silly and trivial...." Read more
"Too much repetition makes it a very quick read. I found the book stating some obvious and perhaps a bit elementary." Read more
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- Reviewed in the United States on January 9, 2018Daniel Pink has already written a couple of best-selling books, and it’s safe to say this one will be his latest. It’s a book about timing, the “when” side of the “what” coin. When is a lot more critical than most of us assume. And it’s importance is naturally underscored simply because “when” seems less controllable than “what”.
But both assumptions are generally wrong. Or at least a bit myopic. We can adapt the what to the when in most cases. And we can control the when, perhaps by starting over, or taking a short break, or even a nap (“Zambonis for our brains”), far more than we may currently imagine.
The key is to understand “when” in a more expansive context. And, in the end, that’s what the book strives to do, and does well. Pink puts when in the context of the waves of the day (your chronobiology), the events of the day (the importance of lunch, breaks, naps), the when of getting on track (sometimes you need to re-start), the meaning of when milestones (the importance of midpoints and poignant endings), and the important role of timing in becoming synchronized with the people and the world around us, which, in turn, fosters belonging and a sense of purpose.
As is the current trend in books of this genre, the prognosis and the recommendations are scientific, which essentially means that Pink and his researchers have scoured a lot of literature looking for patterns.
The problem with patterns, however, is that it is often difficult to know if you are witnessing a causal pattern or a resulting pattern. Pink is clearly aware of the problem and has taken as many steps as can be practically taken to differentiate one from the other. Nonetheless, even in a thorough and responsible research effort such as this, the patterns discerned are ultimately probabilistic, not certain.
A related problem is determining which patterns are truly natural and which are acquired. A night owl behaves and performs like the night owls in the study but were they born that way or did they acquire the pattern through prior habit, ingrained out of necessity, not choice? And can those patterns be altered or redefined? (Maybe the stuff of a future book?)
Pink, however, is well aware of both of these limitations to research such as is chronicled here. And in addition to navigating around them he makes it work by not over-promising on the conclusions. While the book is inspirational, therefore, it stops short of promising an end to world hunger. And that, compared to many popular books in the genre, I think, gives the work even more credibility and importance.
In the beginning, I might warn you, many of the observations and recommendations may strike some readers as plainly intuitive. As a sexagenarian I have to admit that I had, through trial and error, already come to some of the same conclusions the book identifies without the benefit of the scientific research. That’s no claim to fame or attempt to dissuade you from reading it, however. I lost a lot of time getting there on my own and, in the end, Pink does what great researchers and historians ultimately do by rising above the facts and figures. He puts it all into a larger perspective that draws it all together and enhances the impact in a way that I never had.
While it’s a minor footnote in the book’s premise, the money line for me has less to do with timing and more to do with the bandwidth of time itself. Pink notes, “By now, it’s well known that 99 percent of us cannot multitask.”
I could not agree more. Multitasking, I believe, or attempts to multitask, are killing productivity in the American workplace and, in fact, causing a lot of harm (e.g., texting while driving). Multitasking is a myth and we do people a grave injustice by encouraging it. If your boss tells you that you are good at multi-tasking I strongly recommend you find a new boss.
I also agree that contrary to what we are frequently told by our personal coaches and advisors, “living in the present” is a lot less important than understanding the present in the larger context of who we are and why we’re here.
All told, this is a very easy and quick read. The writing is crisp and clear and the author has a good sense of humor. It should take no more than a few hours and there are plenty of study guides and worksheets to help you translate the research into actual behavior.
Very well done.
- Reviewed in the United States on August 14, 2018I think the best way for you to know what Dan Pink wants you to get out of When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect is to quote a long paragraph from the end of the book.
“The product of writing— this book— contains more answers than questions. But the process of writing is the opposite. Writing is an act of discovering what you think and what you believe. I used to believe in ignoring the waves of the day. Now I believe in surfing them. I used to believe that lunch breaks, naps, and taking walks were niceties. Now I believe they’re necessities. I used to believe that the best way to overcome a bad start at work, at school, or at home was to shake it off and move on. Now I believe the better approach is to start again or start together. I used to believe that midpoints didn’t matter— mostly because I was oblivious to their very existence. Now I believe that midpoints illustrate something fundamental about how people behave and how the world works. I used to believe in the value of happy endings. Now I believe that the power of endings rests not in their unmitigated sunniness but in their poignancy and meaning. I used to believe that synchronizing with others was merely a mechanical process. Now I believe that it requires a sense of belonging, rewards a sense of purpose, and reveals a part of our nature. I used to believe that timing was everything. Now I believe that everything is timing.”
Dan Pink begins the book like the good speech writer he was, with an interesting story and a question. The story is about Captain William Turner, who was in command of the Lusitania when German U-boats sank her and escalated World War I. We know that in the hours immediately prior to being torpedoed, Turner made several bad decisions. Pink says, “Maybe those decisions were bad because he made them in the afternoon.”
That’s his transition to the opening of the book and the idea that we can understand many things about us by understanding what scientific research is finding out about timing. Pink calls it “an emerging body of multi-faceted, multi-disciplinary research.”
Pink has divided his book on “perfect timing” into three sections. Part 1 is about the day. There are two chapters. Part 2 is about “Beginnings, endings, and in between.” There are five chapters in that section. Part 3 is two chapters on “Syncing and Thinking.” Here’s a little more detail about the contents.
Chapter one is devoted to the hidden pattern of everyday life and introduces us to chronotypes. While chronotypes result in a personal pattern of daily rhythms, they all include three stages: a peak, a trough, and a rebound.
The next chapter is about breaks and naps. It also addresses the question that Pink raised in the introduction about whether Captain Turner’s bad decisions were caused by being in the afternoon.
Part 2 is about the emotional power of beginnings and endings. There are also some crucial insights on midpoints. That’s where Pink introduces us to what he calls “The uh-oh effect.” That’s that period where you or your team are working on a project and suddenly realize that if you don’t get your act together, you won’t make your deadline. Uh-oh.
The final section of the book is devoted to syncing and thinking. There’s one chapter on syncing, the way that we work in groups. Pink says that group timing requires “someone or something above and apart from the group itself to set the pace, maintain the standards, and focus the collective mind.” He calls that “someone or something” a “boss.”
The final content chapter of the book is “Thinking in Tenses.” It’s about how we deal with the past, present, and future.
In addition to the core content of this book, Pink gives us a “Time Hacker’s Handbook.” I suspect that he does this for two reasons. It makes the book longer, pushing it up beyond the magical 250 pages that most mainline publishers want a business book to have. And, by putting the practical applications stuff in the Time Hacker’s Handbook, Pink avoids the tough writing challenge of integrating it into the basic text of the book.
In A Nutshell
When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect is pretty much Dan Pink. The writing clips along, and you'll learn lots of interesting stuff. Pink is great at pulling together a bunch of surveys and studies and stuff and making a point. But that’s also the problem, he’s always making a point. That means that he glosses over things that don’t help him make his point. He also doesn’t spend much time talking about the complexities. In this book, one of those complexities might be how the different factors, such as diets and schedules and chronotypes interact in real life. And, as with every Dan Pink book, I always wonder what he’s left out.
If you want a quick introduction to the research around timing and our biological clocks, buy and read this book. If you want a more comprehensive or even-handed treatment of the subject, skip this book and do some of the research work yourself.
- Reviewed in the United States on September 18, 2018This is the book I was looking for two years ago when beginning my research, and I'm beyond delighted to have found it. I owe so many thanks to the people who sent it my way! (And of course to Daniel Pink for writing it. Thanks!)
My focus area is meetings and how organizations can use them to keep work humming and people connected. There's plenty of research into meeting practice, but I couldn't find anything that addressed the crucial question of timing—how often should people meet, at what times of the day, for how long—and how this question of timing taps into what makes us tick. "When" is not a book about meetings (never fear!) but it is an easy, delightful read that gives us all the clues we need to start tackling this timing question in earnest.
I especially appreciate Mr. Pink's ability to pull new insights from existing studies by revisiting them through the lens of "When". For example, he talks about the Israeli parole board study, which is often cited as evidence that we all have a finite capacity for decision making each day. "Decision fatigue" implies that decision making is a muscle that wears out; that there's only so much deciding we can do in a day. What if instead, it's just plain fatigue? It's not that we have a fixed allotment of decisions each day. The real challenge is managing energy. Take a break, have a nap, eat a snack - boom! You have a shot at making decent rational decisions again. That an infinitely more useful conclusion than the advice to always wear the same outfit so you won't waste a precious decision on your choice of t-shirt.
I am utterly thrilled by the opportunity to continue exploring and building on these ideas, and by having such a wonderfully readable reference to share with others.
Top reviews from other countries
Cliente de KindleReviewed in Mexico on May 12, 2024
5.0 out of 5 stars definitivamente aprendí más sobre Timing
El timing es muy importante para mi y este libro amplio mi panorama sobre el tema, es un muy buen punto de partida al mundo del tiempo!
Chris GReviewed in Germany on May 26, 2021
5.0 out of 5 stars Tolle Lektüre mit vielen praktischen Ratschlägen
Sehr gutes Buch über den Einfluss des "Wann" auf berufliche, wie auch persönliche Entscheidungen, Entwicklungen und Situationen im Allgemeinen. Viele praktische Tipps zum Einbau des Gelesenen/Gelernten in den eigenen Alltag. Das Buch lässt sich zudem wirklich gut lesen und fesselt auch durch viele Studien und Beispiele. Bin froh, dass ich auf es gestoßen bin!
RaquelReviewed in Spain on October 31, 2020
5.0 out of 5 stars Muy ameno, recomendable
Muy ameno de leer y el tema es muy interesante, aplicable en el día cotidiano y a nivel profesional.
Este escritor sabe cómo mantener la atención del lector durante todo el libro.
Aunque está en inglés es bastante fácil de leer, utiliza un lenguaje y vocabulario muy sencillo.
A diferencia de otros libros, este autor cita escrupulosamente todas las fuentes, así que un 10% del libro son páginas de referencias, lo cual no le resta calidad al libro y puede que sea útil si te mueves en ese campo y quieres consultar alguna fuente.
Calidad de papel y portada buenos, es un formato de libro pequeño, cabe en cualquier bolso.
- Truman TReviewed in Canada on August 7, 2018
5.0 out of 5 stars Learn to control time like a BOSS
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It has three sections, the first section being the psychology. What's behind your psyche, getting to know yourself, figuring out your energy levels. The second section is about practice. It's about putting together an action plan for you to optimize the perfect timing. And then finally the third section, it focuses on the external forces that can help or hinder perfect timing.
So the first two sections about finding yourself, and then putting those actions into action. Meaning following through with what you can do. But the third section is really all about how the environmental factors or other people, or other scenarios can help boost that perfect timing.
I love the casual writing style of Dan, it's very conversational. It seems like you're just having a conversation over coffee, and talking about that perfect timing, and it's very prescriptive. He loves talking about a theory and then following up with an example.
I really think this book is aimed for productivity buffs, self development folk and business people. So if you're an entrepreneur, starting your own business, and you need to get in the mindset and organize your day and be able to execute flawlessly, could be a good book for you. As well as people in business, whether you're working for a company or you're managing a team. Why? There is really good insight into human development and motivation, something that Dan really knows about. The main argument or main structure of how to create the perfect timing is really not about controlling time. Instead, its about about controlling your time as an individual, and that's really analyzing when you're most tired, and when you're most alert. This and other insight is backed by a lot of great stats, and some really good applicable exercises that you can execute on like the Nappuccino!
Now, looking back there aren't really that many books about timing. I could best relate this book back to Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, which digs deep into the psychology of what motivates people. Another complimentary book, The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact by Chip and Dan Heath has a different take on the science of timing. Chip and Dan really talk about creating that perfect moment, more of a customer service focus.
Would I recommend this bad boy? Yeah I would. I found that there was a lot of actual insight. A lot of reminders for me, because I'm already a self-development business book type of person. Some strengths, it starts off really strong. Going into the framework of know thyself, and then delivering on practices or actions that one should take. Then I feel like it gets a little bit weaker at the end in terms of externalities and how that could help you out. All in all, I think Dan did a great job with 'When'. If you're a business person and you're managing a team, or you love self-development books you should really consider 'When' to go on your bookshelf.
I can't wait to see what Dan comes out with next. So, hey, maybe that's the book title for his follow up. Next!
- Haifa BenazetReviewed in France on May 5, 2019
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent